Theories of Personality 9th Edition

(Jyacinth Fallgp9V4A) #1

314 Part III Humanistic/Existential Theories

a higher level of congruence than the therapy group at the beginning of the
study, but in contrast to the therapy group, they showed almost no change in
congruence between self and self-ideal from the initial testing until the final
In addition, the therapy group changed their self-concept more than they
changed their perception of the ordinary person. This finding suggests that,
although clients showed little change in their notion of what the average person
was like, they manifested marked change in their perceptions of self. In other
words, intellectual insight does not result in psychological growth (Rudikoff,
Does therapy bring about noticeable changes in clients’ behavior as perceived
by close friends? Participants in both the therapy and the control groups were asked
to supply the experimenters with names of two intimate friends who would be in
a position to judge overt behavioral changes.
In general, the friends reported no significant behavioral changes in the cli-
ents from the pretherapy period to posttherapy. However, this global rating of no
change was due to a counterbalancing effect. Clients judged by their therapists as
being most improved received higher posttherapy maturity scores from their
friends, whereas those rated as least improved received lower scores from their
friends. Interestingly, before therapy, clients typically rated themselves less mature
than their friends rated them, but as therapy progressed, they began to rate them-
selves higher and, therefore, more in agreement with their friends’ ratings. Par-
ticipants in the control group showed no changes throughout the study in emotional
maturity as judged by friends (Rogers & Dymond, 1954).

Testing points Therapy

Wait period
60 days

6–12 months


6–12 months

Own-control group No-wait group

Therapy group

FIGURE 10.1 Design of the Chicago Study.
Source: C. R. Rogers and R. F. Dymond, Psychotherapy and Personality Change, 1954. Copyright © 1954 The
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.
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