Theories of Personality 9th Edition

(Jyacinth Fallgp9V4A) #1

406 Part IV Dispositional Theories

Key Terms and Concepts

∙ (^) Trait and factor theories of personality are based on factor analysis, a
procedure that assumes that human traits can be measured by correlational
∙ (^) Extraverts are characterized by sociability and impulsiveness; introverts,
by passivity and thoughtfulness.
∙ (^) High scores on the neuroticism scale may indicate anxiety, hysteria,
obsessive-compulsive disorders, or criminality; low scores tend to predict
emotional stability.
∙ (^) McCrae and Costa placed equal emphasis on biological and environmental
influences on personality.
∙ (^) The Five-Factor Theory has been used to assess personality traits in
cultures throughout the world.
∙ (^) The NEO-PI-R shows a high level of stability in personality factors as
people advance from about 30 years old to old age.

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