Theories of Personality 9th Edition

(Jyacinth Fallgp9V4A) #1

iv About the Authors

Tomi-Ann Roberts is a Professor of Psychology at Colorado
College. She received her PhD in social and personality psy-
chology in 1990 from Stanford University, and her BA in
psychology from Smith College in 1985. Her publications in
the areas of gender, personality, and emotion psychology
include “Objectification Theory,” an original theory that has
generated a great deal of research into the causes and conse-
quences of the sexual objectification of girls and women. The
first paper she co-authored on this topic is the most cited ar-
ticle in the 35-year history of the journal Psychology of
Women Quarterly. She served on the American Psychologi-
cal Association’s Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls, is
coauthor of the Sexualization of Girls and Girlhood: Causes,
Consequences and Resistance (2012), and continues to work
on empirical research, applied consulting work, and media
efforts in this area. In addition to her teaching in both psy-
chology and gender studies at Colorado College, she cur-
rently serves on the executive committee of APA’s Division
35, chairs a Task Force on Educating Through Feminist Re-
search, and is a certified Laughter Yoga Leader.
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