Rotter and Mischel:
Cognitive Social
Learning Theory
⬥ Overview of Cognitive Social Learning Theory
⬥ Biography of Julian Rotter
⬥ Introduction to Rotter’s Social Learning Theory
⬥ Predicting Specific Behaviors
Behavior Potential
Reinforcement Value
Psychological Situation
Basic Prediction Formula
⬥ Predicting General Behaviors
Generalized Expectancies
General Prediction Formula
Internal and External Control of Reinforcement
Interpersonal Trust Scale
⬥ Maladaptive Behavior
⬥ Psychotherapy
Changing Goals
Eliminating Low Expectancies
⬥ Introduction to Mischel’s Personality Theory
⬥ Biography of Walter Mischel
Personality System Background of the Cognitive-Affective
Personality System
Consistency Paradox
Person-Situation Interaction
⬥ Cognitive-Affective Personality System
Behavior Prediction
Situation Variables
Cognitive-Affective Units
⬥ Related Research
Locus of Control and Holocaust Heroes
Person-Situation Interaction
Marshmallows and Self-Regulation Across
the Lifespan
⬥ Critique of Cognitive Social Learning Theory
⬥ Concept of Humanity
⬥ Key Terms and Concepts
Courtesy of Michele Myers