Theories of Personality 9th Edition

(Jyacinth Fallgp9V4A) #1

540 Part VI Learning-Cognitive Theories

regarding a set of behaviors designed to satisfy needs, Rotter introduced this general
prediction formula:
NP = f (FM + NV)
This equation means that need potential (NP) is a function of freedom of
movement (FM) and need value (NV). The formula is analogous to the basic
prediction formula, and each factor is parallel to the corresponding factors of that
basic formula. To illustrate the general prediction formula, we can look at La
Juan’s situation with regard to her future academic work. To predict her need
potential for working toward graduation with highest honors, we must measure her
freedom of movement, that is, her mean expectancy of being reinforced for a series
of behaviors necessary to reach her goal, plus her need value of all those reinforce-
ments: that is, the value she places on recognition-status or any other need she
associates with receiving academic honors. The value La Juan places on recognition-
status (need value), plus her average expectancy of being reinforced for performing
the required series of behaviors (freedom of movement), equals her potential for
pursuing the set of required behaviors (need potential). A comparison of the basic
(specific) prediction formula and the generalized prediction formula is shown in
Figure 18.1.
Rotter’s general prediction formula allows for people’s history of using sim-
ilar experiences to anticipate present reinforcement. That is, they have a general-
ized expectancy for success. Rotter’s two most popular scales for measuring
generalized expectancies are the Internal-External Control Scale and the Interper-
sonal Trust Scale.

Basic prediction formula

BPx 1 ,s 1 ,ra f(Ex 1 ,ra,s 1 and RVa,s 1 )

Potential for La Juan to rest
her head in the classroom

her expectancy that this
behavior will be followed
by sleep

her need for sleep in
this situation.

General prediction formula

NP f(FM and NV)

Potential for La Juan completing
all those behaviors necessary
to receive a PhD in clinical
psychology and thereby satisfy
her need for recognition-status


is a


is a

her average expectancy that
a set of related behaviors
directed toward recognition-
status will be reinforced

her preference for good grades,
prestige, reputation, acceptance
by colleagues, praise from profes-
sors, and other reinforcements
related to recognition-status.



FIGURE 18.1 Comparison of the basic prediction formula and the general prediction formula.

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