Estimating in Building Construction

(Kalthiya AryanmXZGQq) #1

Supplementary general conditions, 8, 18,
24–25, 31, 36, 46
Supplier, 5, 11, 25
Survey, 24, 46, 51, 67
Surveyor, 51
Suspended ceiling, 199
SUTA, 57
Swell, 67, 87
Swing door, 191
electrical, 216
HVAC, 222
plumbing, 219
System efficiency, 54, 61


Tail beams, 150–151
Ta k e o f f
accurate, 224
quantities, 1, 12, 34
software, 40
package, 163
Tape, drywall, 202
Ta r
roofing, 182
waterproofing, 175, 177
Tax, 25, 33, 62
equipment, 64
property, 43
sales, 33, 39, 51, 63
Taxable income, 57
Team, construction, 3
Technical specifications, 5, 8, 14,
18, 25, 31, 36, 46, 224
brick, 125–126
carpet, 210
concrete block, 121
deck, 143
drywall, 196, 200–201
errors in, 26–27
excavation, 66, 79, 87–88
flooring, 209
interpretations, 27
lath, 206–207
masonry, 119, 129
metals, 136
joists, 138–139
precast, 117
stone masonry, 128
tile, 128, 211
wallboard, 200–201
waterproofing, 176
wetwall, 196, 205
wood floors, 154
wood trusses, 171
Tees ceiling, 199
barricades, 45
buildings, 45
enclosure, 24, 45, 48,
110, 119, 134

fence, 48
gas, 45
heat, 45–46, 49–50, 134
light, 45, 49–50, 215
office, 24, 45, 49
partitions, 49
power, 45, 49–50, 215
sheds, 48
stairs, 49
telephone, 45, 49
toilets, 46–47, 50
trailer, 47
utilities, 24, 45
water, 24, 45, 50
wiring, 215
Tension rods, 136
Terra, cotta protecting, 50
Terrazzo stool, 190
Testing, 51
concrete, 46, 92
laboratory, 51
soil, 46
Thermal and moisture
protection, 175–185
Thresholds, 194, 209
Ties collar, 167
ceramic, 211
gypsum, 200
metal, 200
quarry, 211
resilient, 209
roof, 183–184
sill, 189
specifications, 128, 211
stool, 190
subcontractor, 211
weep hole, 128
wood, 200
Timberline, 2, 39
clock, 54
of completion, 14
Timekeeper, 45, 48
Tires, 62–63
TJI, 148
Tongue and groove
decking, 172
sheathing, 154
Tool shed, 45
Topping concrete, 116–117,
Topsoil, 79–81, 85, 87
Toweled, machine, 109
Tr a d e
journals, 21
multiple, 2
organizations, 11
personnel, 9, 32, 54
single, 2
Trailer, 47
Training workers, 58

Transformer, 215
base, 215
Transoms, 190
Transportation, 1, 31
Trash disposal, 50
Travel, 43, 45
time, 55
Trees, 88
Tr e n c h
frames and covers, 108
HVAC, 221
machines, 67
plumbing, 218
small, 85
Tr i m
door, 190
drywall, 201–202
roofing, 182–185
wood, 169
Trimble, 40
joist, 150–151, 164–165
rafters, 166–167
Truck, 67, 80, 85, 87
flatbed, 51
pick-up, 51
steel, 136
wood, 164, 170–171, 196, 227
Type of soil, 66, 81, 85, 89

UL, 191, 201
Uncertainty, 18
Underground work, 30
Underlayment, cork, 208
Underpinning, 31
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., 191, 201
claims history, 57
insurance, 57–58
federal, 51, 57–58
state, 51, 57–58
Union, 205, 226
payments, 58
rules, 31, 50, 56–57, 110,
119, 142
wages, 56–57
Unit price, 5, 7
agreement, 12–13
renegotiated, 7
Use factor, 61
Useful life, 62–63
Utilities, 31
temporary, 24
Utilization of space, 226

Vacation, 57–59
Va l u e
best, 7
schedule of, 14

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