In The Moment 03.2020

(Grace) #1


This is an extract from
The Art of Sleeping – for
a happier calmer, more
successful day by Rob
Hobson (HarperCollins,
£9.99), out now.

Follow a guided visualisation
Visualisation is a valuable exercise that can help
you to unwind, relieve stress and fall asleep. Unlike
meditation, visualisation is more active as your
breath and mind are guided in a specific direction
to achieve a desired result. This technique helps to
direct your attention away from the thoughts that
may be causing stress and anxiety by associating
sensations of relaxation with peaceful images
in the mind. Try this guided visualisation, then
experiment with creating your own using your
favourite place.
To start, find a quiet place free from distraction
and make yourself comfortable. Take a few deep
breaths to centre yourself and then close your
eyes, remembering to breathe deeply throughout
this exercise.
Imagine it’s a beautiful sunny day and you’re
walking on a beach.
Close your eyes, visualise being there and relax
into breathing deeply.
The sky is blue, the water is crystal clear, you
hear the sound of gently rolling waves as the light
breeze caresses your skin.
The white sand feels warm on your bare feet and
trickles between your toes.
You are wearing flowing light clothes and
breathing deeply, inhaling the smell of fresh ocean
air. A sense of freedom washing over your body,
you lie down and let your body sink into the warm
soft sand.
Let go of any tension and soften your eyes while
continuing to breathe in sync with the waves.
You sink deeper and deeper into relaxation.
Say to yourself: I am relaxed, my body feels
warm and heavy, I am safe here.
Hold onto this image and assure yourself that
you can return to this place again to help you to
relax before you open your eyes.

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