In The Moment 03.2020

(Grace) #1
Words: Jessica Lacey

Fed up with f lare ups? Adapting your skincare to your

hormonal cycle can help to minimise blemishes

and keep skin at its radiant best

Know your

skin cycle


For some, it’s a random blemish or dried out
dullness, while for others it’s a full-on flare
up. “A drier skin type would most likely get
the odd pimple or two during their cycle,
whereas an oilier skin is more susceptible
to acne due to increased sebum production
but that isn’t to say that dry skin types
won’t also experience hormonal acne too,”
Brown explains.
Affectionately known as the diva hormone,
oestrogen gives you that sass and makes you
all woman. Skin loves oestrogen; it supresses
sebum production, reduces bacteria, boosts
hydration and also kick-starts collagen
production. So, in the menstruating phase
when oestrogen is at its monthly low, skin
is understandably at its worst. Fast-forward
10 days though to when you’re ovulating,
oestrogen takes the main stage and skin
is clear and glowing. You’ll likely be firing


ike it or not, we are all made of
hormones. But far from being the
inconvenient party-pooper crazy-
makers their bad rap might have
you believe, hormones are in fact
highly intuitive chemical messengers that
regulate our organs and tell our body how
to function. Oestrogen, progesterone
and testosterone are the three main sex
hormones that control the menstrual cycle
and, in the most part, they play an effective
balancing act, rising and falling in beautiful
symbiosis. But, as skin is an outward visible
manifestation of all that our body is going
through, it’s little wonder that what our
hormones are getting up to is often written
across our faces.
“Women most definitely have a skin cycle
relative to our hormones,” says skincare
expert and Pai Skincare founder, Sarah Brown.
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