Lisboa International Contemporary Exhibition 23 - Official catalog

(Atelier Natalia Gromichoc4WQWu) #1

NoelleKalomgrewupinthedynamichighdesertofTa os,NewMexico,surroundedbya
community of artists. Some of the id eas that informher paintings come fro m early
experiencesatTaosPueblowhereshewitnessedandbeganalife longappreciationfor
the power of fire, mystery, ritual, and ceremony. Herabstractpaintings embody the
intens i ty and top o grap hy of the American Sou thwestern land s cap e. Bold, vibrant,
contrasting colors are brushed onto a heavily text ures canvas, cr e a ting works that
Noellehaslived,worked,andex hib ite dherworkinNewYorkCity,thePacificNorthwest,

Noelle Kalom

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