
(Ooja) #1

The confident commission leader asked Hans the first matematical
question. He tapped out the right answer! A second. He got it right! Then a
third. Then the language questions followed. He got them all right!
The commission was befuddled. The critics were silenced.
However, the public wasnt. With a great outcry, they insisted on a new
commission. The world waited while, once again, the authorities gathered
scientists, professors, veterinarians, cavalry officers, and reporters from
around the world.
How to Read People Like You Have ESP 37
Only after this second commission put Hans to the test did the truth
about the clever horse come out. Commission number two started the
enquiry perfunctorily with a simple addition prolem. This time, however,
instead of asking the question out loud for all to hear, one researcher
whispered a number in Hanss ear, and a second researcher whispered
another. Everyone expected Hans to quickly tap out the sum. But Hans
remained dumb! Aha! The researchers revealed the truth to the waiting
world. Can you guess what that was?
Heres a hint: when the audience or researcher knew the answer, Hans
did, too. Now can you guess?
People gave off very subtle body-language signals the moment Hanss
hoof gave the right number of taps. When Hans started tapping the answer
to a question, the audience would show sutle signs of tension. Then, when
Hans reached the right number, they responded by an expulsion of breath or
slight relaxation of muscles. Von Osten had trained Hans to stop tapping at
that point and therefore appear to give the right answer.
Hans was using the technique I call Hanss Horse Sense. He watched his
audiences reactions very carefully and planned his responses accordingly.
If a Horse Can Do It, So Can You
Have you ever been watching TV when the phone rings? Someone asks
you to hit the mute button on the television so they can talk. Because theres
no sound now, you watch the TV action more carfully. You see performers
smiling, scowling, smirking, squinting, and scores of other expressions. You
dont miss a bit of the story because, just from their expressions, you can tell
what theyre thining. Hanss Horse Sense is just thatwatching people, seeing
how theyre reacting, and then making your moves accordingly. Even while
youre talking, keep your eyes on your listeners and watch how theyre
responding to what youre saying. Dont miss a trick.

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