
(Ooja) #1

tycoons vest pocket, the brooch on the bosom of the rich divorcŽe, or the
school ring on the finger of the CEO whose company you want to work for?
The big spender who, you suspect, might buy a hundred of your widgets
has a tiny golf-club lapel pin? Say, Excuse me, I couldnt help but notice
your attractive lapel pin. Are you a golfer? Me, too. What courses have you
Your business cards and your Whatzit are crucial socializing artifacts.
Whether you are riding in the elevator, climbing the doorstep, or traversing
the path to the party, make sure your Whatzit is hanging out for all to see.
Technique #12
Always Wear a Whatzit
Whenever you go to a gathering, wear or carry something unusual to
give people who find you the delightful stranger across the crowded room
an excuse to approach. Excuse me, I couldnt help but notice your... what
IS that?
The next quickie technique was originated by doggedly dtermined
politicians who dont let one partygoer escape if they think he or she could
be helpful to their campaigns. I call it the Whoozat technique.
How to Meet the People You Want to Meet
Say you have scrutinized the body of the important business cotact you
want to meet. Youve searched in vain from the tip of his cowlick to the toes
of his boots. Hes not sporting a single Whatzit.
If you strike out on finding something to comment on, resort to the
Whoozat technique. Like a persistent politician, go to the party giver and
say, That man/woman over there looks interesing. Who is he/she? Then ask
for an introduction. Dont be heitant. The party giver will be pleased you
find one of the guests interesting.
If, however, you are loath to pull the party giver away from his or her
other guests, you still can perform Whoozat. This time, dont ask for a
formal introduction. Simply pump the party giver for just enough
information to launch you. Find out about the strangers jobs, interests, and
Suppose the party giver says, Oh, thats Joe Smith. Im not sure what his
job is, but I know he loves to ski. Aha, youve just been given the icebreaker
you need. Now you make a beeline for Joe Smith. Hi, youre Joe Smith,
arent you? Susan was just telling me what a great skier you are. Where do
you ski? You get the idea.

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