Science 28Feb2020

(lily) #1
scattered speckle pattern and
combined it with a trained neural
network for solving the details
of the scattering process. The
technique might help improve
the quality of non–line-of-sight
imaging methods and provide
access to real-time, high-resolu-
tion imaging capabilities. —ISO
Optica 7 , 63 (2020).

Sourcing brain
Disruptions in the transcription
factor TCF4 lie at the root of
Pitt-Hopkins syndrome (PTHS),
which manifests with intellectual
disability and disruptions in
brain development. Schoof et al.
generated mice with inducible
and tissue-specific truncation of
TCF4 to ensure that gene disrup-
tion occurs only in the central
nervous system. The truncated
protein lacks the DNA-binding
domain of TCF4, a mutational
hotspot for PTHS. Embryonic
mice with this truncated TCF4
showed deficits in differen-
tiation and migration of neural

like an attribute of a superhero,
but by bouncing photons off a
wall so that some of them scat-
ter from a hidden object and
then capturing some of the ones
that make it back to a detector,
an image of that object can be
reconstructed. However, such
non–line-of-sight imaging tech-
niques are often compromised
by the resolution and quality
of the reconstructed image,
limiting existing methods to
long acquisition times and small
standoff distances. Metzler et al.
developed a theoretical model to
describe correlations within the

28 FEBRUARY 2020 • VOL 367 ISSUE 6481 997




7 , 63 (2020)

subcortex may reflect meta-
bolic remodeling that underpins
development of sophisticated
adult faculties, such as social-
izing, mentalizing, and executive
skills. —PRS
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 117 , 3248

Imaging out-of-sight
Seeing around corners or imag-
ing subjects in a room without a
direct line of sight might seem

precursor cells. During postnatal
development, Cajal-Retzius cells
were misplaced and hippocam-
pal development was disrupted.
The corpus callosum, which is
the fiber tract connecting the
brain hemispheres, also devel-
oped poorly in these mice. These
findings thus map the anatomi-
cal abnormalities that underlie
this syndrome. —PJH
Eur. J. Neurosci. 10.1111/ejn.14674

Asteroid dynamics
inside Venus’ orbit
Most asteroids reside in the
main-belt region between the
orbits of Mars and Jupiter. A
population of asteroids within
the orbit of Venus has been
hypothesized, but searching
that region is difficult because it
can only be observed just before
sunrise or just after sunset. The
first asteroid with an orbit entirely
inside Venus’ orbit, designated
2020 AV 2 , was discovered on 4
January 2020. Greenstreet used
simulations to assess its orbital
dynamics and found that the
orbit is unstable: Within a million
years, the asteroid will either
collide with Venus or be scattered
onto an Earth-crossing orbit. A
nearby 3:2 resonance with Venus
could extend the lifetime to a few
million years. —KTS
Mon. Not. R Astron. Soc. Lett. 2020 ,
slaa025 (2020).

A wobbly nucleus
Atomic nuclei consist of nucle-
ons—protons and neutrons.
The composition of the nucleus
affects its overall shape, ranging
from spherical to ellipsoidal with
three unequal axes. Nuclei with
the latter shape—referred to as
triaxial—are prone to wobbling,
behaving not unlike a spinning
top. Sensharma et al. studied a
particular kind of wobble in a gold
nucleus,^187 Au. They found that
this nucleus exhibits longitudinal
wobbling, a phenomenon that has
been theorized but not observed
experimentally before. —JS
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 , 052501 (2020).

Non–line-of-sight image of an out-of-view target using a convolutional neural
network approach (left, this work) is superior to that made using an older hybrid
input-output method (right).


30 μm


Generating strong vascular grafts


hen treating injury or vascular disease,
autologous or synthetic grafts are useful,
but supplies are limited and often subop-
timal. Robust tissue-engineered vascular
grafts (TEVGs), particularly ones that can
withstand mechanical stress, are highly desirable.
Luo et al. generated vascular smooth muscle cells
from human induced pluripotent stem cells and
cultured them on biodegradable polyglycolic acid
scaffolds exposed to pulsatile radial stress. When
implanted into rats, these TEVGs showed high
mechanical strength with no dilation, elongation,
or wall thickening. Moreover, the TEVGs associated
with limited thrombosis and showed no teratoma
formation. Further optimization and engineering
to limit immune rejection should provide cells and
tissues suitable for treating injury or dysfunction of
the cardiovascular system. —BAP
Cell Stem Cell 26 , 251 (2020).

Section of a stress-exposed, engineered vascular
graft generated from human stem cells and stained
by Masson’s trichrome

Published by AAAS
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