WJ: Do you have any crazy
stories you would like to share
with the audience?
Natalia: Craziest thing in my
life to ever happen was fol-
lowed by a horrible event. I
was asked to help film War-
rant’s 2017 June music video
during Arizona Bike Week.
It was fantastic and just so
amazing. I made friends with
the entire band and their
crew. After, on December 2nd,
they were playing at the Aqua
Lounge and invited me as a
VIP guest to attend. While
there, I actually had a fan
recognize me, and they liter-
ally tried to murder me in the
middle of the show. I don’t re-
member much. I just remem-
ber waking up three days later
out of a coma and excavation.
Don’t worry; I only flatlined
WJ: Wow, that's insane. I am
so very sorry that happened to
you, but I am glad you survived
and could tell your story. Thank
you for sharing that! What are
you looking forward to in the
near future?
Natalia: In the near future, I
look forward to friendships,
family, and maybe a vacation
with no photos, phones, or
social media allowed.
WJ: That's a fantastic idea.
Disconnect to connect! If you
could go back in time and give
your younger self any advice,
what would it be?
Natalia: I’d tell my younger
self all the normal stuff you
know. Update your iPhone
more often, check your emails
every week; we have like 3k
unread. Brush your hair before
you go on a date, stop worry-
ing about what people think,
tell that jerk you love him,
don’t let your problems push
him away. Don’t rush things,
take your time on projects, get
more involved with school,
drop that person you call your
best friend. Stop letting bad
people influence you, take
some time and enjoy walking
to school, to the park, back
home. Mess up and laugh, and
don’t wait so long to be your-
WJ: That was fantastic advice!
I don't think I've ever had any-
one give me that much advice
before (laughs). I usually like
to end the interview with a
fun question. So thank you for
taking the time out of your day
to do this interview and con-
gratulations again on getting
cover and this feature! Also, feel
free to say anything else you'd
like to say to the audience. With
that being said, the final ques-
tion is, do you have a favorite
quote you like to live by?
Natalia: Thank you so much
for having me! It means the
world. As for a quote, yes! I
live by this quote constantly.
It’s an odd place to get a quote
but Jason Bateman said it in
the beginning of Switched.
“Look at us, running around.
Always rushed, always late.
I guess that's why they call
it the human race. What we
crave most in this world is
connection. For some people,
it happens at first sight. It's
when you know you know. It's
fate working its magic. And
that's great for them. They get
to live in a pop song. Ride the
express train. But that's not
the way it really works. For the
rest of us, it's a bit less roman-
tic. It's complicated; it's messy.
It's about horrible timing, and
fumbled opportunities and
not being able to say what you
need to say when you need to
say it. At least, that's the way it
was for me.”
You can stay up to
date with Natalia by
giving her a follow on
her Instagram!