The Business Book

(Joyce) #1

Numbers in bold refer
to main entries


accountancy and playing by the rules
see also business ethics; financial
adaptation see business adaptation
and growth
advertising 272–73
big data analysis 316–17
and brand creation 260–61
see also marketing
agile software development (ASD)
AIDA marketing model 242–43
Air India 314–15
Amazon 34–36, 39 , 174, 175, 209,
240, 267, 317
Anderson, Chris 208–09
Ansoff’s matrix 256–57
see also strategic planning
Apple 37, 96–99, 127, 191
iPad 97–98, 149, 241
iPhone 29, 38, 97 , 148–49, 168, 196,
249, 266, 325
iPod and iTunes 29–30, 55, 96–97,
Aquinas, Thomas 224–25
Aracruz 129
Argyris, Chris 206–07
Arkwright, Richard 166–67
ASOS 275
CrimTrac system 315
Sydney Opera House 329
Avis 248


Barnes & Noble 198
Barratt, Thomas 273
Barton, Bruce 272–73
Bass, Frank 233
Belbin, Meredith 82 , 84
Ben & Jerry’s ice cream 183
Bench 283
Benetton 217
Bennis, Warren 69, 86, 87
Bernays, Edward 273
Berners-Lee, Tim 174 , 177
Bezos, Jeff 39 , 63, 99, 174, 267
black swan events and future
forecasting 198
The Body Shop 262, 263
Borden, Neil 281, 283
Bose Systems 181
Boston Consulting Group 252–55
BP 41, 200–01
brand creation
and advertising 260–61
differentiation and focus strategies 182
and ethics 263
and social media 263
“third place” concept 262–63
translatable brands 261
unique selling proposition (USP)
brand loyalty 35–36, 98, 322
Branson, Richard 60, 320, 334
Brin, Sergey 174
British Aerospace (BAe) 148
British Airways 223, 248–49
Buffet, Warren 49, 129, 144, 147, 149 ,
business adaptation and growth
business practice, evolution of 48–51
capability maturity model 218–19
enablers and enterprise capabilities

business adaptation and growth (cont)
Greiner curve 47, 58–61
growth rate, deciding on 44–45
growth-share matrix and product
portfolio 253–55
learning organization 204–07
long-term survival 57
overexpansion dangers 45
process adaptation 55–57
recession and adaptation 56–57
self-financeable growth rate (SFG)
shareholders see shareholders
sustainability 31 , 45 , 50–51, 57
technological change 54–55
vision broadening and realization 43,
see also leadership; management;
marketing; strategic planning
business ethics 222, 224–27
accountability and governance
130 –31
accountancy and playing by the rules
appeal of 270
and brand creation 263
“creative accountancy” practices
greenwashing 268–69
leadership 226–27
legal standards 226
“mark to market” accounting
price-fixing and collusion 223


Cadbury 171, 193
Carnegie, Andrew 40–41, 213
Caterpillar 123
chaos theory, and financial crises



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