The Economics Book

(Barry) #1







e learn about ownership
and personal property
from our earliest
childhood tussles over toys. This
concept is often taken for granted,
yet there is nothing inevitable
about the idea. Private property
is fundamental to capitalism. Karl
Marx (p.105) noted that the wealth
generated by capitalism presents
societies with “an immense
collection of commodities” that are
privately owned and may be traded
for profit. Businesses are also
privately owned and operated for
profit in a free market. Without the
idea of private property, there is no

potential for personal gain—there is
no reason even to enter the market.
There is, in effect, no market.

Types of property
“Property” encompasses a wide
range of things, from material
goods to intellectual property (such
as patents or written text). It has
entered realms that even free
market economists would not
defend, such as slavery—where
people were viewed as commodities.
Historically, material property
has been organized three different
ways. First, everything can be held
in common and used by everyone
as they wish, on the basis of mutual
trust and custom. This was the case
in tribal economies, and it is still
practiced by the Huaorani people of
the Amazon. Second, property can
be held and used collectively; this
is the essence of the communist
system. Third, property can be held
in private, with each person free to
do with it as they choose. This is the
concept at the heart of capitalism.
Modern economists tend to
justify private property on pragmatic
grounds, arguing that the market
simply can’t operate without some
division of resources. Earlier
thinkers made more of a moral case

Defending private ownership is
important in capitalist countries. This
house in Warsaw, Poland, is the most
secure home ever built; it turns into a
steel cube at the touch of a button.


Society and the economy

Aristotle (384–322 BCE)

423–347 BCE Plato argues in
The Republic that rulers should
hold property collectively for
the common good.

1–250 CE In classical Roman
law the sum of rights and
powers a person has over a
thing is called dominium.

1265–74 Thomas Aquinas
argues that owning property is
natural and good, but private
property is less important than
the public good.

1689 John Locke states that
what you create by your own
labor is yours by right.
1848 Karl Marx writes the
Communist Manifesto,
advocating the complete
abolition of private property.
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