The Economics Book

(Barry) #1


Cold War 185, 236, 238, 239
Coleman, James 280
collateralized debt obligations
(CDOs) 265, 299, 324
collective bargaining 134–35, 160
collusion 70–73
Commons, John 206
communication technology 185, 313
communism 46, 75, 88, 152, 185, 223
collapse of 57–58
Marxism 102–05
planning 102, 105, 153, 174–75,
176, 184, 232–33
companies, see firms
comparative advantage 80–85, 312
competition 70, 79, 104, 126–29
and cooperation 273
free market 58
limited 90, 91
and monopoly 94–97
perfect 88, 90, 126–29
complexity theory 261, 278–79
computers 123, 313
Condorcet, Nicolas de 68, 215
consumption 42, 58, 198–200, 204–05
conspicuous 89, 117, 136
convergence 224–25
cooperation 237, 241, 273
Cootner, Paul 272
Corn Laws 82–83
corporate governance 168–69
Cournot, Antoine Augustin 70, 88,
90–91, 94, 238
Crafts, Nicholas 313
creative destruction 148–49
credit default swaps 299
culture 153, 166–67
currencies 250–55
crises 261, 288–93
debasement 30, 290
devaluation 292–93
unions 252–55


Darwin, Charles 273
Davis, Morris 330
Debreu, Gérard 211 , 232
equilibrium model 120, 123, 212
on free markets 56, 60, 130, 220
on market efficiency 210–13

debt 76–77, 298–301
relief 261, 314–15
decision making 185, 273
game theory 234–41
irrationality 194–95, 266–69
paradoxes 184, 248–49
DeLong, Brad 224
De Malynes, Gerard 34, 35
demand 74–75
elasticity of 124–25
law of 112
supply and 51, 88, 89, 108–13, 121–22
democracy 176, 231
demographics 68–69
Deng Xiaoping 222, 223
Denison, Edward 178
depression 152, 154–61, 164, 298
see also Great Depression
deregulation 260, 264, 293
derivatives trading 263–64, 325
devaluation 292–93
developing countries 85, 141, 185,
219, 230, 261, 293, 309
development economics 153, 185,
188–93, 261
dependency theory 185, 242–43
UN Development Index 310
developmental state 284–87
Devereux, Stephen 256
Diamond, Douglas 318–21
Diamond, Peter 304, 305, 338
DiLorenzo, Thomas 97
diminishing returns 62, 68, 224
Disyatat, Piti 322
Dollar, David 85, 228
Domar, Evsey 224 bubble 79, 99, 272
Dresher, Melvin 238–39
Dunoyer, Charles 78
Duns Scotus 110
Dupuit, Jules 126, 180, 181
Dybvig, Philip 318–21


East Asia 187, 230, 282–87
East India Company 18, 35, 38, 168
Easterlin, Richard 216, 217–18
Easterly, William 315
Eastern Europe 185, 193, 232, 329
econometrics 152, 153, 170

economic cooperation 186–87
economic liberalism 172–77
economic reform 328–29
economics, definition of 152, 171
economies of scale 27, 132, 213
Edgeworth, Francis 116, 117, 120
Edgeworth box 212
education 281
efficiency 56, 59, 144, 232
market 185, 210–13, 272–73
Pareto 89, 130–31, 212–13
tax 64, 65
wage models 160, 161, 302
elasticity 64, 124–25
Ellsberg, Daniel 162, 249
employment 202–03, 276
Engel, Ernst 124–25
entitlement theory 256–57
entrepreneurs 89, 149
equilibrium 56, 58, 88, 144, 278, 294
general 60, 88, 113, 118–23, 210,
Nash 237, 239, 240, 241
partial 111, 112–13, 123
Eucken, Walter 222
Europe 76, 85, 135, 185, 223, 260,
315, 325
euro 209, 254–55, 290
European Monetary System (EMS) 292
Evans, Peter 287
exchange rates 185, 250–55, 262
currency crises 290–93
derivatives 263–64
expectations: adaptive 244–45, 246
rational 60, 198, 201, 244–47, 276, 303
expected utility 194–95, 248, 266
externalities 137, 213, 308


fairness 64, 65, 131, 215
Fama, Eugene 168, 185, 272, 337
famine 256–57
Ferber, Marianne 310
Ferguson, Niall 322, 324
Field, John 280
financial crises 51, 79, 104, 296–301
2007–08 28, 136, 177, 213, 261, 262,
272, 320, 321, 322–24, 331
currency crises 255, 288–93
East Asian (1997) 187, 230, 292–93
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