The Science Book

(Elle) #1


Hugo de Vries discovered the 3:1
ratio of characteristics in experiments
with a variety of plants in the 1890s.
He would later concede that Mendel
had a claim to priority in the discovery.

of Mendel’s work, biologists had
demonstrated that Mendel’s
“particles of inheritance” were real
and that they were carried
on chromosomes.

Laws of inheritance refined
Mendel had established two laws
of inheritance. First, the fixed
proportions of characteristics in
offspring led him to conclude that
the particles of inheritance came
in pairs. There was a particle pair
for flower color, a pair for seed color,
and so on. Pairs were formed at
fertilization because one particle
came from each parent—and
separated again when the new
generation reproduced to form
its own sex cells. If the particles
coming together were different
varieties (such as those for purple
and white flower), only the dominant
particle would be expressed.
In modern terms, the different
varieties of genes are called alleles.
Mendel’s first law became known

as the Law of Segregation because
the alleles segregated to form
sex cells. Mendel’s second
law arose when he considered
two characteristics. The Law of
Independent Assortment suggests
that the relevant genes for each
trait are inherited independently.
Mendel’s choice of plant species
was, it turns out, fortuitous. We
now know that the characteristics
of Pisum sativum follow the
simplest pattern of inheritance.
Each characteristic—such as
flower color—is under the control of
a single type of gene that comes in
different varieties (alleles). However,
many biological characteristics—
such as human height—are the
outcome of the interactions of
many different genes.
Furthermore, the genes
Mendel studied were inherited
independently. Later work would
show that genes can sit side-by-
side on the same chromosome.
Each chromosome carries

I suggest...the term
Genetics, which sufficiently
indicates that our labours are
devoted to the elucidation of
the phenomena of heredity
and variation.
William Bateson

hundreds or thousands of genes
on a string of DNA. Chromosome
pairs separate to create sex
cells, and the chromosome is
then passed on whole. This
means that the inheritance of
traits controlled by different
genes on the same chromosome
is not independent. Each pea
characteristic studied by
Mendel is due to a gene on a
separate chromosome. If they
had been on the same chromosome,
his results would have been more
complex and harder to interpret.
In the 20th century, research
would reveal the exceptions to
Mendel’s laws. As scientists probed
more deeply into the behavior of
genes and chromosomes, they
confirmed that inheritance can
happen in more complicated ways
than Mendel had found. However,
these discoveries build on, rather
than contradict, Mendel’s findings,
which laid the foundation for
modern genetics. ■
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