n 1661, Anglo-Irish physicist
Robert Boyle defined elements
as “certain primitive and
simple, or perfectly unmingled
bodies; which not being made
of any other bodies, or of one
another, are the ingredients of
which all those called perfectly
mixt bodies are immediately
compounded, and into which
they are ultimately resolved.”
In other words, an element cannot
be broken down by chemical
means into simpler substances.
In 1803, British chemist John
Dalton introduced the idea of
atomic weights (now called relative
atomic masses) for these elements.
Hydrogen is the lightest element,
and he gave it the value 1, which
we still use today.
Law of eight
In the first half of the 19th century,
chemists gradually isolated more
elements, and it became clear that
certain groups of elements had
similar properties. For example,
sodium and potassium are silvery
solids (alkali metals) that react
violently with water, liberating
hydrogen gas. In fact, they are
so similar that British chemist
Humphry Davy did not distinguish
between them when he first
discovered them. Similarly,
the halogen elements chlorine
and bromine are both pungent,
poisonous oxidizing agents,
even though chlorine is a gas
and bromine a liquid. British
chemist John Newlands noticed
that when the known elements
were listed in order of increasing
1803 John Dalton introduces
the idea of atomic weights.
1828 Johann Döbereiner
attempts first classification.
1860 Stanislao Cannizzaro
publishes an extensive table of
atomic and molecular weights.
1913 Lothar Meyer shows the
periodic relationship between
elements by plotting atomic
weight against volume.
1913 Henry Moseley redefines
the periodic table using atomic
numbers—the number of
protons in an atom’s nucleus.
1913 Niels Bohr suggests
a model for the structure of
the atom. It includes shells
of electrons that explain the
relative reactivity of the
different groups of elements.
The first to attempt a classification
of the elements was German chemist
Johann Döbereiner. By 1828, he had
found that some elements formed
groups of three with related properties.
The periodic table
can be used to
guide experiments.
The elements can be arranged in
a table according to their
atomic weights.
Assuming a periodicity
of properties, predictions can be
made from the gaps in a periodic
table for the discovery of
missing elements.
The discovery of these missing
elements suggests that the periodic
table reveals important features of the
structure of the atom.