he series of differential
equations describing
the behavior of
electromagnetic fields developed
by Scottish physicist James Clerk
Maxwell through the 1860s and
1870s are rightly considered one
of the towering achievements in
the history of physics. A truly
transformative discovery, they not
only revolutionized the way that
scientists viewed electricity,
magnetism, and light, but also
laid the ground rules for an entirely
new style of mathematical physics.
This would have far-reaching
consequences in the 20th century,
and today offers hope for unifying
our understanding of the universe
into a comprehensive “Theory of
The Faraday effect
Danish physicist Hans Christian
Ørsted’s discovery, in 1820, of
a link between electricity and
magnetism set the stage for a
century of attempts to discover
the links and interconnections
between seemingly unconnected
phenomena. It also inspired
a significant breakthrough by
1803 Thomas Young’s double-
slit experiments appear to
show that light is a wave.
1820 Hans Christian Ørsted
demonstrates a link between
electricity and magnetism.
1831 Michael Faraday shows
that a changing magnetic field
produces an electric field.
1900 Max Planck suggests
that in some circumstances,
light can be treated as if it
were composed of tiny “wave
packets,” or quanta.
1905 Albert Einstein shows
that light quanta, today known
as photons, are real.
1940s Richard Feynman
and others develop quantum
electrodynamics (QED) to
explain the behavior of light.
Michael Faraday. Today, Faraday
is perhaps best known for his
invention of the electric motor and
the discovery of electromagnetic
induction, but it was a less
celebrated discovery that provided
Maxwell’s departure point.
For two decades, Faraday
had been attempting, on and off,
to find a link between light and
electromagnetism. Then, in
1845, he devised an ingenious
experiment that answered the
question once and for all. It involved
passing a beam of polarized light
(one in which the waves oscillate
A magnetic field can change the
polarization of light.
The discovery of long-wavelength
radio waves (also part of the electromagnetic
spectrum) confirms the equations.
Light and magnetism are affectations
of the same substance.
Assuming light to be an electromagnetic wave,
it is possible to formulate equations to describe
mathematically the behavior of light.
This suggests that light may be an
electromagnetic wave.