The Science Book

(Elle) #1


Maxwell’s models
Maxwell began to develop his
theory of electromagnetism in a
pair of papers published in 1855
and 1856. These were an attempt
to model Faraday’s lines of force
geometrically in terms of the flow
in a (hypothetical) incompressible
fluid. He had limited success and
in subsequent papers tried an
alternative approach, modeling the
field as a series of particles and
rotating vortices. By analogy,
Maxwell was able to demonstrate
Ampère’s circuital law, which relates
the electric current passing through
a conducting loop to the magnetic
field around it. Maxwell also
showed that in this model, changes
in the electromagnetic field would
propagate at a finite (if high) speed.
Maxwell derived an approximate
value for the speed of propagation,
at about 193,060 miles/s
(310,700 km/s). This value was
so suspiciously close to the speed
of light as measured in numerous
experiments that he immediately
realized that Faraday’s intuition
about the nature of light must be
correct. In the final paper of the
series, Maxwell described how

magnetism could affect the
orientation of an electromagnetic
wave as seen in the Faraday effect.

Developing the equations
Satisfied that the essentials of
his theory were correct, Maxwell
set out in 1864 to put it on a
sound mathematical footing.
In A Dynamical Theory of the
Electromagnetic Field, he described
light as a pair of electrical and
magnetic transverse waves,
oriented perpendicular to each
other and locked in phase in such
a way that changes to the electric
field reinforce the magnetic field,
and vice versa (the orientation of
the electrical wave is the one that
normally determines the wave’s
overall polarization). In the last
part of his paper, he laid out a
series of 20 equations that offered a
complete mathematical description
of electromagnetic phenomena in
terms of electrical and magnetic
potentials—in other words, the

From a long view of the history
of mankind...there can be
little doubt that the most
significant event of the
19th century will be judged
as Maxwell’s discovery of the
laws of electrodynamics.
Richard Feynman

amount of electrical or magnetic
potential energy a point charge
would experience at a specific
point in the electromagnetic field.
Maxwell went on to show
how electromagnetic waves
moving at the speed of light
arose naturally from the
equations, apparently settling
the debate about the nature of
electromagnetism once and for all.
He summed up his work on the
subject in the 1873 Treatise on
Electricity and Magnetism, but,
convincing as the theory was, it
remained unproven at the time of
Maxwell’s death, since the short
wavelength and high frequency of
light waves made their properties
impossible to measure. However,
eight years later, in 1887, German
physicist Heinrich Hertz provided
the final piece of the puzzle (and
made an enormous technological
breakthrough) when he succeeded
in producing a very different form
of electromagnetic wave with low

The electrical and magnetic
components of an electromagnetic
wave move through space while
oscillating at right angles to each other
and in phase, so that both elements
reach their maximum amplitudes at
the same time, and constantly
reinforce each other by induction.


Magnetic field


Electric field
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