The Science Book

(Elle) #1



hile the 19th century
had seen a fundamental
change in the way
scientists view life processes,
the first half of the 20th would
prove even more of a shock. The
old certainties of classical physics,
largely unchanged since Isaac
Newton, were about to be thrown
away, and nothing short of a new
way to view space, time, and
matter was to replace it. By 1930,
the old idea of a predictable
universe had been shattered.

A new physics
Physicists were finding that the
equations of classical mechanics
were producing some nonsensical
results. It was clear that something
was fundamentally wrong. In 1900,
Max Planck solved the puzzle of the
spectrum of radiation emitted by a

“black box,” which had stubbornly
resisted classical equations, by
imagining that electromagnetism
traveled not in continuous
waves, but in discrete packets,
or “quanta.” Five years later,
Albert Einstein, a clerk working
at the Swiss Patent Office,
produced his paper on special
relativity, asserting that the
speed of light is constant and
independent of the movement of
source or observer. After working
through the implications of general
relativity, Einstein had found by
1916 that notions of an absolute
time and space independent of the
observer had gone, to be replaced
by a single space-time, which was
warped by the presence of mass
to produce gravity. Einstein had
further demonstrated that matter
and energy should be considered

aspects of the same phenomenon,
capable of being converted from
one to the other, and his equation
describing their relation—E = mc^2
—hinted at an enormous potential
energy locked inside atoms.

Wave–particle duality
Worse was to follow for the old
picture of the universe. At
Cambridge, English physicist
J. J. Thomson discovered the
electron, showing that it has a
negative charge and is at least
a thousand times smaller and
lighter than any atom. Studying
the properties of the electron
was to produce new puzzles.
Not only did light have particle-like
properties, but particles had
wavelike properties, too. Austrian
Erwin Schrödinger drew up a
series of equations that described









Thomas Hunt Morgan
introduces the
chromosome theory
of inheritance.

Albert Einstein produces
his paper on special

J. J. Thomson is awarded
the Nobel Prize in Physics
for his discovery of
the electron.

Paul Dirac introduces

Alfred Wegener
proposes a theory of
continental drift.

Max Planck describes
discrete packets, or
quanta, of energy.

Werner Heisenberg sets
out his uncertainty

Erwin Schrödinger
unleashes wave


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