The Science Book

(Elle) #1


law of thermodynamics remained
valid, Boltzmann’s reading gave
it a probabilistic, rather than an
absolute, truth. Thus, we observe
entropy simply because it is
overwhelmingly more likely than
the alternative. A plate breaks but
does not remake itself, but there
is no absolute law preventing a
plate from putting itself back
together—it is just exceedingly
unlikely to happen.

Quantum of action
Planck used Boltzmann’s statistical
interpretation of entropy to arrive at
a new expression for the radiation
law. Imagining thermal radiation as
being produced by individual
“oscillators,” he needed to count the
ways in which a given energy could
be distributed between them.
To do this, he divided the total
energy into a finite number of
discrete energy chunks—a process
called “quantization.” Planck was a
gifted cellist and pianist and might
have imagined these “quanta” in
the same way that a fixed number
of harmonics is available to the
vibrating string of an instrument.
The resulting equation was simple,
and it fit the experimental data.

Introducing “quanta” of energy
reduced the number of states of
energy available to the system,
and in doing this (although it
wasn’t his goal), Planck solved the
ultraviolet catastrophe. He thought
of his quanta as a mathematical
necessity—as a “trick”—rather
than something that was real. But
when Albert Einstein used the
concept to explain the photoelectric
effect in 1905, he insisted that
quanta were a real property of light.
As with many of the pioneers
of quantum mechanics, Planck
spent the rest of his life struggling


Max Planck Born in Kiel in northern Germany
in 1858, Planck was an able pupil
at school and graduated early,
at 17. He chose to study physics at
the University of Munich, where
he soon became a pioneer of
quantum physics. He received
the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918
for his discovery of energy quanta,
although he never was able to
satisfactorily describe the
phenomena as a physical reality.
Planck’s personal life was
beset by tragedy. His first wife
died in 1909, and his eldest
son was killed in World War I.
Both of his twin daughters died

giving birth to their children.
During World War II, an Allied
bomb destroyed his house in
Berlin and his papers, and in the
closing stages of the war, his
remaining son was caught up in
the plot to assassinate Hitler
and was executed. Planck
himself died soon after the war.

Key works

1900 Entropy and Temperature
of Radiant Heat
1901 On the Law of Distribution
of Energy in the Normal

to come to terms with the
consequences of his own work.
While he was never in any doubt
about the revolutionary impact
of what he had done, he was—
according to historian James
Franck—“a revolutionary against
his own will.” He found the
consequences of his equations
not to his taste since they often
gave descriptions of physical reality
that clashed with our everyday
experience of the world. But for
better or worse, after Max Planck,
the world of physics has never
been the same. ■

The ultraviolet catastrophe was a
nonsense result predicted by classical
physics (shown here as the Raleigh–
Jeans Law) in which black-body radiation
increased exponentially as its wavelength
shortened. By quantizing radiation,
Planck produced a formula that fit the
experimental data.


Planck Jeans Law

Wavelength of radiation (nm)

Radiation intensityVisible light

2000 3000
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