The Science Book

(Elle) #1



n the year 1905, the German
scientific journal Annalen der
Physik published four papers
by a single author—a little-known
26-year-old physicist named Albert
Einstein, then working at the
Swiss patent office. Together, these
papers would lay the foundations
for much of modern physics.
Einstein resolved some
fundamental problems that
had appeared in the scientific
understanding of the physical
world toward the end of the
19th century. One of the papers of
1905 transformed understanding

of the nature of light and energy.
A second was an elegant proof
that a long-observed physical
effect called Brownian motion
could demonstrate the existence
of atoms. A third showed the
presence of an ultimate speed limit
to the universe, and considered the
strange effects thereof, known as
special relativity, while the fourth
forever changed our understanding
of the nature of matter, showing
that it was interchangeable with
energy. A decade later, Einstein
followed up the implications of
these latter papers with a theory



17th century Newtonian
physics provides a description
of gravity and motion, which
is still adequate for most
everyday calculations.

1900 Max Planck first argues
that light can be considered to
consist of individual packets,
or “quanta,” of energy.

1917 Einstein uses general
relativity to produce a model
of the universe. Assuming
that the universe is static,
he introduces a factor called
the cosmological constant
to prevent its theoretical

1971 Time dilation due
to general relativity is
demonstrated by flying
atomic clocks around the
world in jet aircraft.

of general relativity that presented
a new and deeper understanding
of gravity, space, and time.

Quantizing light
The first of Einstein’s 1905 papers
addressed a long-standing problem
with the photoelectric effect. This
phenomenon had been discovered
by German physicist Heinrich
Hertz in 1887. It involves metal
electrodes producing a flow
of electricity (that is, emitting
electrons) when illuminated by
certain wavelengths of radiation—
typically ultraviolet light. The

If the speed of light through a vacuum is

Observers in relative motion to each other
experience space and time differently.

Special relativity shows that there
is no absolute simultaneity.

Then there can be no absolute
time or space.

And the laws of physics appear the same
to all observers...
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