The Science Book

(Elle) #1


Schrödinger’s cat
Taken to its logical conclusion, the
Copenhagen interpretation resulted
in a seemingly absurd paradox.
Schrödinger imagined a cat sealed
in a box that contains a vial of
poison linked to a radioactive
source. If the source decays and
emits a particle of radiation, a
mechanism will release a hammer
that breaks the vial of poison.
According to the Copenhagen
interpretation, the radioactive
source remains in its wave function
form (as a so-called superposition
of two possible outcomes) until it
is observed. But if that is the case,
the same has to be said of the cat.

New interpretations
Dissatisfaction with apparent
paradoxes such as Schrödinger’s
cat has spurred scientists to
develop various alternative
interpretations of quantum
mechanics. One of the best known
is the “Many Worlds Interpretation”
put forward in 1956 by American
physicist Hugh Everett III. This
resolved the paradox by suggesting
that during any quantum event, the

universe splits into mutually
unobservable alternate histories
for each of the possible outcomes.
In other words, Schrödinger’s cat
would both live and die.
The “Consistent Histories”
approach addresses the problem
in a rather less radical way, using
complex mathematics to generalize
the Copenhagen interpretation.
This avoids the issues around the
collapse of the wave function, but
instead allows probabilities to be
assigned to various scenarios, or
“histories,” on both a quantum
and classical scale. The approach
accepts that only one of these
histories eventually conforms
to reality, but does not allow
prediction of which outcome
that will be—instead it simply
describes how quantum physics
can give rise to the universe we see
without wave function collapse.
The ensemble, or statistical,
approach is a minimalist
mathematical interpretation that
was favored by Einstein. The
de Broglie–Bohm theory, which
developed from de Broglie’s initial
reaction to the wave equation, is

an attempt at a strictly causal,
rather than probabilistic,
explanation, and postulates the
existence of a hidden “implicate”
order to the universe. The
transactional approach involves
waves traveling both forward
and backward in time.
Perhaps the most intriguing
possibility of all, however, is one
that verges on the theological.
Working in the 1930s, Hungarian-
born mathematician John von
Neumann concluded that the
measurement problem implied
that the entire universe is subject
to an all-encompassing wave
equation known as the universal
wave function, and that it is
constantly collapsing as we
measure its various aspects.
Von Neumann’s colleague and
countryman Eugene Wigner took
the theory and expanded it to
suggest that it was not simply
interaction with large-scale
systems (as in the Copenhagen
interpretation) that caused the
wave function to collapse—it
was the presence of intelligent
consciousness itself. ■

Schrödinger’s thought experiment produces a situation
in which, according to a strict reading of the Copenhagen
interpretation, a cat is both alive and dead at the same time.

A cat inside a sealed box remains
alive as long as a radioactive source
in the box does not decay.

If the source decays, it releases
poison and the cat dies.

We must measure the
system to find out
whether the source has
decayed. Until then, we
must think of the cat as
both dead and alive.




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