See also: Albert Einstein 214–21 ■ Erwin Schrödinger 226–33 ■
Paul Dirac 246–47 ■ Richard Feynman 272–73 ■ Hugh Everett III 284–85
precision. For example, the
more accurately one measures
a particle’s position, the less
accurately one can determine
its momentum, and vice versa.
Heisenberg found that for these
two properties in particular, the
relationship could be written as:
횫x횫p ≥ /2
where 횫x is the uncertainty of
position, 횫p the uncertainty of
momentum, and h is a modified
version of Planck’s constant (p.202).
An uncertain universe
The uncertainty principle is often
described as a consequence of
quantum-scale measurements—for
example, it is sometimes said that
determining a subatomic particle’s
position involves the application of
a force of some sort that means its
kinetic energy and momentum are
less well defined. This explanation,
put forward at first by Heisenberg
himself, led various scientists
including Einstein to spend time
devising thought experiments that
might obtain a simultaneous and
accurate measurement of position
and momentum by some form of
“trickery.” However, the truth is
far stranger—it turns out that
uncertainty is an inherent feature
of quantum systems.
A helpful way of thinking
about the issue is to consider the
matter waves associated with
the particles: in this situation, the
particle’s momentum affects its
overall energy and therefore its
wavelength—but the more tightly
we pin down the particle’s position,
the less information we have about
its wave function, and therefore
about its wavelength. Conversely,
accurately measuring the
wavelength requires us to consider
a broader region of space, and
therefore sacrifices information
about the particle’s precise
location. Such ideas might seem
strangely at odds with those we
experience in the large-scale world,
but they have nevertheless been
proved real by many experiments,
and form an important foundation
of modern physics. The uncertainty
principle explains seemingly
strange real-life phenomena such
as quantum tunneling, in which
a particle can “tunnel” through a
barrier even if its energy suggests
that it should not be able to. ■
Werner Heisenberg
Born in the southern German
town of Würzburg in 1901,
Werner Heisenberg studied
mathematics and physics at
the universities of Munich and
Göttingen, where he studied
under Max Born and met his
future collaborator Niels Bohr
for the first time.
He is best known for his
work on the Copenhagen
interpretation and the
uncertainty principle, but
Heisenberg also made
important contributions to
quantum field theory and
developed his own theory
of antimatter. Awarded the
Nobel Prize in Physics in
1932, he became one of its
youngest recipients, and his
stature enabled him to speak
out against the Nazis after
they seized power the
following year. However,
he chose to stay in Germany
and led the country’s nuclear
energy program during
World War II.
Key works
1927 Quantum Theoretical
Re-interpretation of Kinematic
and Mechanical Relations
1930 The Physical Principles
of the Quantum Theory
1958 Physics and Philosophy
This uncertainty is a
property inherent
to the universe.
Subatomic particles have
wavelike qualities.
This means that you cannot
accurately measure both
a particle’s position and
its momentum.
Uncertainty is