The Science Book

(Elle) #1


See also: Isaac Newton 62–69 ■ Albert Einstein 214–21 ■
Edwin Hubble 236–41 ■ Fred Hoyle 270

neither expanding nor contracting.
General relativity indicated that
the universe should collapse under
its own gravity, so Einstein fudged
his own equations by adding a
term known as the cosmological
constant. Einstein’s constant
mathematically counteracted the
gravitational contraction to produce
the presumed static universe.

Famously, Einstein later called the
constant his greatest mistake,
but even at the time he proposed
it there were some who found it
unsatisfactory. The Dutch physicist
Willem de Sitter and Russian
mathematician Alexander
Friedmann independently
suggested a solution to general
relativity in which the universe was
expanding, and, in 1927, Belgian
astronomer and priest Georges
Lemaître reached the same
conclusion, two years ahead of
Hubble’s observational proof.

Beginning in fire
In an address to the British
Association in 1931, Lemaître
took the idea of cosmic expansion
to its logical conclusion, suggesting
that the universe had sprung from
a single point that he called the
“primeval atom.” The response
to this radical idea was mixed.
The astronomical establishment
of the time was attached to the
idea of an eternal universe ❯❯


Georges Lemaître

Born in Charleroi, Belgium, in
1894, Lemaître studied civil
engineering at the Catholic
University of Louvain and
served in World War I before
returning to academia, where
he studied physics and
mathematics as well as
theology. From 1923, he
studied astronomy in Britain
and the United States. On his
return to Louvain in 1925 as
a lecturer, Lemaître began
to develop his theory of an
expanding universe as an
explanation for the redshifts
of the extragalactic nebulae.
First published in 1927, in
a little-read Belgian journal,
Lemaître’s ideas took off
after he published an English
translation with Arthur
Eddington. He lived until
1966—long enough to see
proof that his ideas were
correct with the discovery
of the cosmic microwave
background radiation (CMBR).

Key works

1927 A Homogeneous Universe
of Constant Mass and
Growing Radius Accounting
for the Radial Velocity of
Extragalactic Nebulae
1931 The Evolution of the
Universe: Discussion

The first stages of the
expansion consisted of a
rapid expansion determined
by the mass of the initial atom,
almost equal to the present
mass of the universe.
Georges Lemaître

Expanding universe


Big Bang

Time Slowing expansion

(~15 billion years)


Since the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago, the expansion of the
universe has been through different phases. There was an initial
period of rapid expansion known as inflation. After that, expansion
slowed, then started to speed up once more.

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