The Science Book

(Elle) #1


See also: James Clerk Maxwell 180–85 ■ Albert Einstein 214–21 ■ Erwin Schrödinger 226–33 ■
Werner Heisenberg 234–35 ■ Richard Feynman 272–73


numbers of fermions interact with
one another. In 1926, Dirac’s PhD
supervisor Ralph Fowler used his
statistics to calculate the behavior
of a collapsing stellar core and
explain the origin of superdense
white dwarf stars.

Quantum field theory
While much of schoolbook physics
focuses on the properties and
dynamics of individual particles
and bodies under the influence of
forces, a deeper understanding
can be gained by developing field
theories. These describe the way
that forces make their influence felt
across space. The importance of
fields as independent entities was
first recognized in the mid-19th
century by James Clerk Maxwell
while he was developing his
theory of electromagnetic radiation.
Einstein’s general relativity is
another example of a field theory.
Dirac’s new interpretation of
the quantum world was a quantum
field theory. In 1928, it allowed him
to produce a relativistic version of
Schrödinger’s wave equation for

the electron (that is, one that could
take into account the effects of
particles moving close to the speed
of light, and therefore model the
quantum world more accurately
than Schrödinger’s nonrelativistic
equation). The so-called Dirac
equation also predicted the
existence of particles with identical
properties to particles of matter but
with opposite electric charge. They
were dubbed “antimatter” (a term
that had been bandied around in
wilder speculations since the late
19th century).
The antielectron particle,
or positron, was experimentally
confirmed by US physicist

Carl Anderson in 1932, detected
first in cosmic rays (high-energy
particles showered into Earth’s
atmosphere from deep space),
and then in certain types of
radioactive decay. Since then,
antimatter has become a subject
for intense physical research,
and also beloved of science-fiction
writers (particularly for its
habit of “annihilating” with a burst
of energy on contact with normal
matter). Perhaps more importantly,
however, Dirac’s quantum
field theory laid the foundations
for the theory of quantum
electrodynamics brought to fruition
by a later generation of physicists. ■

Paul Dirac Paul Dirac was a mathematical
genius who made several key
contributions to quantum
physics, sharing the Nobel
Prize in Physics with Erwin
Schrödinger in 1933. Born in
Bristol, England, to a Swiss father
and an English mother, he earned
degrees in electrical engineering
and mathematics at the city’s
university, before continuing his
studies at Cambridge, where he
pursued his fascination with
general relativity and quantum
theory. After his groundbreaking
advances of the mid-1920s, he
continued his work at Göttingen

and Copenhagen before
returning to Cambridge, having
been appointed the Lucasian
Chair in Mathematics. Much of
his later career was focused on
quantum electrodynamics. He
also pursued the idea of unifying
quantum theory with general
relativity, but this endeavor met
with limited success.

Key works

1930 Principles of Quantum
1966 Lectures on Quantum
Field Theory

When a particle
and its antiparticle
come together,
they annihilate.
Their mass turns
into photons of
energy in accord
with the equation
E = mc^2.





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