The Science Book

(Elle) #1



n the late 1920s and early
1930s, in a series of landmark
papers, American chemist
Linus Pauling figured out a
quantum-mechanical explanation
of the nature of chemical bonds.
Pauling had studied quantum
mechanics in Europe with the
German physicist Arnold
Sommerfeld in Munich, with Niels
Bohr in Copenhagen, and with
Erwin Schrödinger in Zurich.
He had already decided that he
wanted to research the bonding
within molecules, and realized that
quantum mechanics gave him the
right tools to do so.

Hybridization of orbitals
When he returned to the US,
Pauling published about 50 papers,
and, in 1929, he laid down a set
of five rules for interpreting the
X-ray diffraction patterns of
complicated crystals, now known
as Pauling’s rules. At the same
time, he was turning his attention
to the bonding between atoms in
covalent molecules (molecules in
which atoms are bonded by sharing
two electrons with each other),
especially of organic compounds—
those based on carbon.

A carbon atom has six electrons
in total. The European pioneers of
quantum mechanics designated
the first two as “1s-electrons”:
these have a spherical orbital or
shell around the carbon nucleus—
like a balloon inflated around a
golf ball in the center. Outside the
1s shell is another shell containing
two “2s-electrons.” The 2s shell
is like another, bigger balloon
outside the first. Lastly, there are
“p-orbitals,” which have big lobes
sticking out either side of the
nucleus. The px orbital lies on the
x-axis, the py on the y axis, and
the pz orbital on the z-axis. The last
two electrons of the carbon atom
occupy two of these orbitals—
perhaps one in px and one in py.
The new quantum-mechanical
picture of electrons treated their
orbits as “clouds” of probability
densities. It was no longer quite
right to think of the electrons as
points moving around their orbits;
rather, their existence was smeared
across the orbits. This new nonlocal
picture of reality allowed for some
radical new ideas for chemical

The nature of the
chemical bond reflects the
behavior of electrons.

It can be modified
to explain the structure
of molecules.

Quantum mechanics
provides a new way to
describe the behavior
of electrons.



1800 Alessandro Volta lists
metals in decreasing order
of electropositivity.

1852 British chemist Edward
Frankland states that atoms
have definite combining
power, which determines the
formulae of compounds.

1858 August Kekulé shows
that carbon has a valency
of four—it forms four bonds
with other atoms.

1916 American physical
chemist Gilbert Lewis shows
that a covalent bond is a pair
of electrons shared by two
atoms in a molecule.

1938 British mathematician
Charles Coulson calculates
an accurate molecular orbital
wave function for hydrogen.

s orbital px orbital

py orbital pz orbital






Electrons orbit an atomic nucleus in
various ways—in shells around the
center (s) or lobes along one axis (p).

Electron orbits
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