The Science Book

(Elle) #1



he second half of the
20th century saw rapidly
improving technology
being employed in almost every
field of science, from telescopes to
chemical analysis. New technology
has widened the possibilities
for calculation and experiment.
The first computers were built
in the 1940s, and a new science,
Artificial Intelligence, has emerged.
CERN’s Large Hadron Collider—a
particle accelerator—is the biggest
piece of scientific equipment ever
made. Powerful microscopes have
allowed the first direct glimpses
of atoms, while new telescopes
have revealed planets beyond our
solar system. By the 21st century,
science has become largely a
team activity, involving ever
more expensive apparatus and
interdisciplinary cooperation.

The code of life
At the University of Chicago
in 1953, American chemists
Harold Urey and Stanley Miller
set up an ingenious experiment
to find out whether life could have
started on Earth when lightning
sparked chemical reactions in
the atmosphere. In the same
year, two molecular biologists—
American James Watson and Briton
Francis Crick—in a race against
rival teams in the US and Soviet
Union, figured out the molecular
structure of deoxyribonucleic acid,
or DNA, providing the key to the
genetic code of life, which would
lead less than half a century later
to the complete mapping of the
human genome.
Armed with new knowledge
about the genetic mechanism,
American biologist Lynn Margulis

proposed the apparently absurd
theory that some organisms can
be absorbed by others, while both
continue to flourish, and that this
process had produced the complex
cells of all multicellular life forms.
After years of scepticism, she
was vindicated by discoveries in
genetics made 20 years after her
proposal. American microbiologist
Michael Syvanen showed how
genes can jump from one species
to another, while in the 1990s, the
old Lamarckian idea that acquired
characteristics can be passed
on gained new traction with
the discovery of epigenetics.
Knowledge of the mechanisms
by which evolution can take place
was becoming far richer.
By the end of the century,
American Craig Venter, fresh from
running his own human genome









James Watson and
Francis Crick discover
the chemical
of DNA.

Richard Feynman works
on the new discipline
of quantum

Barbara McClintock
demonstrates genetic
showing how genes
can move around on
a chromosome.

Charles Keeling
shows that the
concentration of
carbon dioxide in the
air is increasing.

Harold Urey and Stanley
Miller demonstrate a
possible chemical
mechanism for the
origin of life.

Fred Hoyle describes
how new elements
are made in stars.

Sheldon Glashow
presents a new
symmetry model for

Hugh Everett III is
the first to propose
the many-worlds
(MWI) of quantum


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