The Science Book

(Elle) #1


Recreating Earth’s
early atmosphere
In 1953, Urey and Miller carried out
the first prolonged experiment to
test the Oparin–Haldane theory. In
a closed series of connected glass
flasks, sealed from the atmosphere,
they put water and a mixture of
gases thought to have been present
in Earth’s primitive atmosphere—
hydrogen, methane, and ammonia.
The water was heated so that water
vapor formed and wafted its way
around all the flasks in the closed
loop. In one of the flasks was a pair
of electrodes, between which sparks
were passed continuously to
represent lightning—one of the
hypothetical triggers for primordial
reactions. The sparks provided
enough energy to break up some of
the molecules, and generate highly
reactive forms that would go on to
react with other molecules.
Within a day, the mixture had
turned pink, and after two weeks
Urey and Miller found that at least
10 percent of the carbon (from the
methane) was now in the form of
other organic compounds. Two
percent of the carbon had formed
amino acids, which are the vital

building blocks of the proteins in all
living things. Urey encouraged
Miller to send a paper about the
experiment to the journal Science,
which published it as “Production
of amino acids under possible
primitive earth conditions.” The
world could now imagine how
Darwin’s “warm little pond” may
have generated the first life forms.
In an interview, Miller said that
“just turning on the spark in a basic
prebiotic experiment will yield
amino acids.” Scientists later found,
using better equipment than was
available in 1953, that the original
experiment had produced at least
25 amino acids—more than are
found in nature. Since Earth’s early
atmosphere almost certainly
contained carbon dioxide, nitrogen,
hydrogen sulphide, and sulfur
dioxide released from volcanoes,
a much richer mixture of organic
compounds might well have been
created then—and was indeed
formed in subsequent experiments.
Meteorites containing dozens of
amino acids, some found on Earth
and others not, have also spurred
on the search for signs of life on
planets beyond the solar system. ■

See also: Jöns Jakob Berzelius 119 ■ Friedrich Wöhler 124–25 ■
Charles Darwin 142–49 ■ Fred Hoyle 270

Harold Urey and
Stanley Miller

Harold Clayton Urey was born
in Walkerton, IN. His work on
the separation of isotopes led
to the discovery of deuterium,
which won him the Nobel Prize
in Chemistry in 1934. He went
on to develop enrichment of
uranium-235 by gaseous
diffusion which was crucial for
the Manhattan Project’s
development of the first atomic
bomb. After his prebiotic
experiments with Stanley
Miller in Chicago he moved to
San Diego and studied the
Moon rocks brought back by
Apollo 11.
Stanley Lloyd Miller was
born in Oakland, CA. After
studying chemistry at the
University of California at
Berkeley, he was a teaching
assistant at the University of
Chicago, and worked with
Urey. Later, he became a
professor in San Diego.

Key work

1953 Production of Amino
Acids under Possible Primitive
Earth Conditions

My study [of the universe]
leaves little doubt that life has
occurred on other planets. I
doubt if the human race is the
most intelligent form of life.
Harold C. Urey

Laboratory apparatus replicated
the effect of lightning on early Earth’s
primitive atmosphere, in a continual
loop of chemical reactions.

Vapor (cloud

Boiling water
(Earth’s oceans)

Cooled water (containing
organic molecules)



Gases (Earth’s atmosphere)


Heat source
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