The Science Book

(Elle) #1


See also: Nicolaus Copernicus 34–39 ■ Johannes Kepler 40–41 ■
Isaac Newton 62–69


with Earth at its center. Zhang
catalogued 2,500 “brightly shining”
stars and 124 constellations, and
added that “of the very small stars
there are 11,520.”

Eclipses of the Moon
and planets
Zhang was fascinated by eclipses.
He wrote, “The Sun is like fire and
the Moon like water. The fire gives
out light and the water reflects it.
Thus the Moon’s brightness is
produced from the radiance of the

Sun, and the Moon’s darkness is
due to the light of the Sun being
obstructed. The side that faces the
Sun is fully lit, and the side that is
away from it is dark.” Zhang also
described a lunar eclipse, where
the Sun’s light cannot reach the
Moon because Earth is in the way.
He recognized that the planets
were also “like water,” reflecting
light, and so were also subject to
eclipses: “When [a similar effect]
happens with a planet, we call it an
occultation; when the Moon passes
across the Sun’s path then there is
a solar eclipse.”
In the 11th century, another
Chinese astronomer, Shen Kuo,
expanded on Zhang’s work in one
significant respect. He showed that
observations of the waxing and
waning of the Moon proved that the
celestial bodies were spherical. ■

The Moon and the planets
are Yin; they have shape
but no light.
Jing Fang

Zhang Heng

Zhang Heng was born in 78 CE
in the town of Xi’e, in what is
now Henan Province, in Han
Dynasty China. At 17, he left
home to study literature and
train to be a writer. By his late
20s, Zhang had become a
skilled mathematician and
was called to the court of
Emperor An-ti, who, in 115 CE,
made him Chief Astrologer.
Zhang lived at a time of
rapid advances in science. In
addition to his astronomical
work, he devised a water-
powered armillary sphere (a
model of the celestial objects)
and invented the world’s first
seismometer, which was
ridiculed until, in 138 CE, it
successfully recorded an
earthquake 250 miles (400 km)
away. He also invented the
first odometer to measure
distances traveled in vehicles,
and a nonmagnetic, south-
pointing compass in the form
of a chariot. Zhang was a
distinguished poet, whose
works give us vivid insights
into the cultural life of his day.

Key works

c.120 CE The Spiritual
Constitution of the Universe
c.120 CE The Map of
the Ling Xian

The crescent outline of Venus is
about to be occulted by the Moon.
Zhang’s observations led him to
conclude that, like the Moon, the
planets did not produce their own light.
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