nderstanding of the
structure of the atom
has changed dramatically
since the end of the 19th century.
In 1897, J. J. Thomson made the
bold suggestion that cathode rays
are streams of particles far smaller
than the atom; he had discovered
the electron. In 1905, building
on the light quanta theory of Max
Planck, Albert Einstein suggested
that light should be thought of as a
stream of tiny massless particles,
which we now call photons. In
1911, Thomson’s protégé Ernest
Rutherford deduced that an atom’s
nucleus is small and dense, with
electrons in orbit around it. The
image of an atom as an indivisible
whole had been destroyed.
In 1920, Rutherford named the
nucleus of the lightest element,
hydrogen, the proton. Twelve years
later, the neutron was discovered,
and a more complex picture of
nuclei made of protons and
neutrons emerged. Then, in the
1930s, a glimpse of further realms
of particles came from studies of
cosmic rays—high-energy particles
that are thought to originate in
supernovae. The studies revealed
new particles associated with high
1932 A new particle, the
neutron, is discovered by
James Chadwick. There are
now three known subatomic
particles with mass: the
proton, neutron, and electron.
1932 The first antiparticle,
the positron, is discovered.
1940s–50s Increasingly
powerful particle accelerators—
which smash particles
together at high speeds—
produce large numbers of
new subatomic particles.
1964 The discovery of the
omega (Ω–) particle confirms
the quark model.
2012 The Higgs boson is
discovered at CERN, adding
weight to the standard model.
How can it be that
writing down a few simple
and elegant formulae can
predict universal regularities
of Nature?
Murray Gell-Mann
energies, and hence with greater
masses according to Einstein’s
principle of mass–energy
equivalence (E = mc^2 ).
Seeking to explain the nature
of interactions inside the atomic
nucleus, scientists in the 1950s
and 1960s produced an enormous
body of work providing the
conceptual framework for all matter
in the universe. Many figures
contributed to this process, but
American physicist Murray
Gell-Mann played a pivotal role in
the construction of a taxonomy of
fundamental particles and force-
carriers called the standard model.
The particle zoo
Gell-Mann jokes that the goals of
the theoretical elementary particle
physicist are “modest”—they
merely aim to explain the
“fundamental laws that govern all
matter in the universe.” Theorists,
he says, “work with pencil, paper,
and wastebasket, and the most
important of those is the last.”
By contrast, the experimentalist’s
principal tool is the particle
accelerator, or collider.
In 1932, the first atomic nuclei—
of the element lithium—were blown
apart by physicists Ernest Walton
Quarks group
together in twos
and threes to
make hadrons.
Quarks are
detected by colliding
protons in a particle
Formulating the standard
model of particle physics leads theorists to
predict that hadrons (protons and neutrons)
are made of smaller particles
called quarks.