The Science Book

(Elle) #1



ut simply, string theory is
the remarkable—and still
controversial—idea that all
matter in the universe is made up
not of pointlike particles, but of tiny
“strings” of energy. The theory lays
out a structure that we cannot
detect, but that explains all the
phenomena that we see. Waves of
vibration within these strings give
rise to the quantized behaviors
(discrete properties such as electric
charge and spin) that are found in
nature, and mirror the harmonics
that can be produced, for example,
by plucking a violin string.

The development of string theory
has had a long and bumpy road,
and it is still not accepted by many
physicists. But work on the theory
continues—not least because it is
currently the only theory trying to
unite the “quantum gauge” theories
of the electromagnetic, weak,
and strong nuclear forces with
Einstein’s theory of gravity.

Explaining the strong force
String theory began life as a model
to explain the strong force that
binds together the particles in the
nuclei of atoms, and the behavior of



1940s Richard Feynman
and other physicists develop
quantum electrodynamics
(QED), which describes
quantum-level interactions due
to the electromagnetic force.

1960s The standard model of
particle physics reveals the full
range of subatomic particles
known so far and the
interactions that affect them.

1970s String theory falls out of
favor temporarily as quantum
chromodynamics appears to
offer a better explanation of
the strong nuclear force.

1980s Lee Smolin and Italian
Carlo Rovelli develop the
theory of loop quantum
gravity, which removes
the need to theorize hidden
extra dimensions.

The Big Bang may
be the result of two
branes colliding.

String theory treats particles
as vibrating strings of energy.

Adding hidden dimensions and
“supersymmetric” particles produces
superstring theory.

Superstring theory
may explain the interaction
of the four fundamental
forces in the universe.

Superstring theory
gives rise to

String theory is
a possible candidate
for a “Theory of

hadrons, the composite particles
that are subject to the influence of
the strong force.
In 1960, as part of an ongoing
study of the properties of hadrons,
American physicist Geoffrey
Chew proposed a radical new
approach—abandoning the
preconception that hadrons were
particles in the traditional sense,
and modeling their interactions
in terms of a mathematical object
called an S-matrix. When Italian
physicist Gabriele Veneziano
investigated the results of
Chew’s model, he found patterns
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