The Science Book

(Elle) #1


Britain. The letter was titled
“On the electricity excited by
the mere Contact of conducting
Substances of different Kinds,” and
in it Volta describes his apparatus:
“I place then horizontally, on a
table or any other stand, one of the
metallic pieces, for example one of
silver, and over the first I adapt one
of zinc; on the second I place one of
the moistened discs, then another

plate of silver followed immediately
by another of zinc...I continue
to form...a column as high as
possible without any danger of
its falling.”
Without a buzzer or a
semiconductor to detect voltage,
Volta used his body as a detector,
and did not seem to mind getting
electric shocks: “I receive from a
column formed of twenty pairs of

Volta demonstrated his electric
pile to Napoleon Bonaparte at the
French National Institute in Paris
in 1801. Napoleon was sufficiently
impressed to make Volta a count
the same year.

pieces (not more) shocks which
affect the whole finger with
considerable pain.” He then
describes a more elaborate
apparatus, consisting of a series
of cups or drinking glasses, each
containing salt water, arranged
in a line or a circle. Each pair is
connected by a piece of metal that
dips into the liquid in each cup.
One end of this metal is silver, the
other zinc, and these metals may
be soldered together or connected
by a wire of any metal, provided
that only the silver dips into the
liquid in one cup, and only the zinc
into the next. He explains
that this is in some ways more
convenient than the solid pile,
albeit more cumbersome.
Volta describes in detail the
various unpleasant sensations
that result from putting one hand
in the bowl at one end of the chain
and touching a wire attached to
the other end to the forehead,
eyelid, or tip of the nose: “I feel
nothing for some moments;
afterward, however, there begins at
the part applied to the end of the
wire, another sensation, which is a
sharp pain (without shock), limited
precisely to the point of contact, a
quivering, not only continued, but
which always goes on increasing
to such a degree, that in a little
time it becomes insupportable,
and does not cease till the circle
is interrupted.”

Battery mania
That his letter reached Banks
at all is surprising, since the
Napoleonic wars were in progress,
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