How often do you criticise your body?
Once a week? Once a day? Let’s face it,
most of us make comments about our
bodies, out loud or in our heads. In fact,
for more than 90% of people, negative
body talk is a routine occurrence. It’s a
habit we share, a pattern to which we’ve
grown accustomed Writing^ | Maxine Ali
ach day we’re
exposed to critical
commentaries on
appearance. In the
media, we see slim,
tall, and athletic bodies described as
‘beautiful’, ‘healthy’, ‘desirable’, while
we’re reminded by advertisements
that the stretch marks, scars, belly
rolls, and body hair we all have are
‘flaws’ we should erase.
Among our peers, we often engage
in self-deprecation, speak of our
‘beach body’ woes, the trauma
of ‘unflattering angles’, finding
commonality in our insecurities. As a
culture, we are bonded by the shame
we feel towards our bodies, unaware
of how normalised this discontent
has become. But though verbal
assaults and discursive attacks are
practically instinct for our aesthetic-
centred imagination, there’s no
denying their devastating impact on
our mental wellbeing.
Body dissatisfaction is reaching
endemic levels in the UK, with
more than 60% of adults reportedly
harbouring negative feelings about
the way they look. Around two-thirds
of Brits are dieting to lose weight
most of the time, and approximately
1.25 million people are believed to
have an eating disorder.
The pressure to meet society’s
far-reaching standards of beauty
has caused a ripple of insecurity
across the population – one that is
costing so many of us our happiness
and self-esteem. As more and more
people find themselves vulnerable to
the toxic messages within body talk,
it’s time we paid attention to how our
language affects us.
Body talk refers to the ritualistic
conversations we engage in about
our own or others’ bodies or bodily
characteristics. The concept first
emerged in the work of two linguistic
anthropologists in the US, who
explored the interaction between
language and body image in young
women. Through their research, they
showed that women who discussed
body weight and size often showed
lower self-esteem and greater body
dissatisfaction, and were more likely to
diet and engage in disordered eating
behaviours, than women who didn’t
discuss their bodies. Body talk is also
associated with diminished cognitive
performance, due to thoughts being
eaten up by body hatred.
The role of body talk on mental
health can be attributed to a
phenomenon known as linguistic
relativity, which, simply put, is the idea
that language shapes our thoughts and
ideas. How we speak about certain
things ‘primes’ us to think about them
in those terms. For example, studies
show that changing a single word
when questioning witnesses about a
crime they saw, changed the way they
remembered it. This demonstrates
just how powerful language can be. It
can even go so far as to influence our
perception and memory.
Continues >>>
May 2019 • happiful • 33
Body Talk
More than 60% of
adults reported
harbouring negative
feelings about the
way they look