The Philosophy Book

(nextflipdebug2) #1





380 BCE Plato explores the
distinction between reality
and appearance in his
dialogue, The Republic.

1st century CE The Sermon
on the Mount, in Matthew’s
gospel in the Bible, advocates
turning away from this world
to the greater reality of the
world to come.

1781 Immanuel Kant’s Critique
of Pure Reason argues that we
can never know how the world
is “in itself.”

1930s Nietzsche’s work is
used to help construct the
mythology of Nazism.

1966 Michel Foucault’s The
Order of Things discusses
the overcoming of “man.”


Elsewhere Nietzsche writes about
philosophizing “with a hammer”,
and here he certainly attempts to
shatter many of the most cherished
views of the Western philosophical
tradition, especially in relation to
these three things. He does so in a
style that is astonishingly hot-headed
and fevered, so that at times the
book seems closer to prophecy than
philosophy. It was written quickly,
with Part I taking him only a few
days to set down on paper. Even so,
while Nietzsche’s book does not
have the calm, analytical tone that
people have perhaps come to


ietzsche’s idea that man
is something to be
surpassed appears in
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, perhaps
his most famous book. It was
written in three parts in 1883–84,
with a fourth part added in 1885.
The German philosopher used it
to launch a sustained attack on
the history of Western thought.
He targets three linked ideas in
particular: first, the idea we
have of “man” or human nature;
second, the idea we have of God;
and third, the ideas we have about
morality, or ethics.

expect of philosophical works, the
author still succeeds in setting out
a remarkably consistent and hugely
challenging vision.

Zarathustra descends
The name of Nietzsche’s prophet,
Zarathustra, is an alternative name
for the ancient Persian prophet
Zoroaster. The book begins by
telling us that at the age of 30,
Zarathustra goes to live in the
mountains. For ten years he
delights in the solitude, but one
dawn, he wakes to find that he is
weary of the wisdom he has

Christianity says
that everything in this
world is less important
than that of the “next”
after death.

It says we should
turn away from what
seems important in
this life, and try
to transcend it.

But in doing this
we turn away from
life itself.

idea of “man”
undermines us.

We must
surpass this
limiting idea.

And besides,
God is dead!
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