Advances in Corpus-based Contrastive Linguistics - Studies in honour of Stig Johansson

(Joyce) #1

190 Jarle Ebeling, Signe Oksefjell Ebeling and Hilde Hasselgård

(17) Bassengene på Frognerbadet er tomme og grønne og tiern rekker helt til him-
melen. (LSC1)
The Frogner swimming pools are empty and green and the ten meter diving
board reaches all the way to the sky. (LSC1T)
To make full use of the structure of the bidirectional corpus, we will look at the
two Norwegian items helt and hele veien and look at their correspondences in

Table 8. English correspondences (translations and sources) of hele veien (including the
variant forms heile vegen and hele vegen)^2021
English correspondence English translation English original
all the way 2 10
the entire way 2
other 220 521
Total 6 15

Although there are few occurrences of hele veien overall, several issues are revealed
in Table 8. First, only in one case is hele veien clearly used with a less transparent
meaning; cf. Example (18) where invariably has been translated into hele veien.
(18) It had the advantage of being plotless, as far as he could tell, but invariably
interesting, so he could dip into it at random. (AT1)
Den hadde den fordel at det ikke fantes handling i den, såvidt han kunne se,
men var interessant hele veien, så han kunne kikke hvor som helst. (AT1T)
Second, the English correspondences of hele veien show that there is a cline of
literalness also for hele veien – from the very concrete (open-choice) the whole
road (Example 19) through the locational all the way (Example 13) to the opaque
invariably (Example 18).
(19) Hele veien ble oversvømt av alt vannet. (RDO1T)
The whole road was flooded from all the water. (RDO1)
The main source of all the way in Norwegian – helt/heilt – occurs 442 times in
Norwegian original fiction texts in the ENPC. Of these, 418 have an adverb use, 15
have an adjectival use, while nine represent the homophonous noun helt (‘hero’).
Our main concern here are the adverb uses, since these are the ones that may

  1. The whole way and an untranslated sentence.

  2. Invariably, the whole road, (most) of the way, all and a rewritten sentence.

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