Adjective Classes - A Cross-Linguistic Typology

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8 The Russian Adjective 215

Legkij 'easy', trudnyj 'difficult', prostoj 'simple', sloznyj 'complex'.

Poxozij 'like', nepoxozij 'unlike', sxodnyj 'similar', drugoj 'other'.

Vernyj 'true, dependable', verojatnyj 'probable', vozmoznyj 'possible', obycnyj 'usual,
normal', obyknovennyj 'common, usual',pravil'nyj 'right'.

Various quantifiers have adjectival morphology, to a greater or lesser extent.
Kazdyj 'each' and ljuboj 'any' have regular long form paradigms. Ves' 'all, whole'
has irregular forms but has the full 'paradigm shape' of an adjective (i.e. the shape
of the long form, as in (6), but not those phonological forms). Mnogie 'many' has
the plural forms of an adjective, while mnogo 'many', neskol'ko 'a few', skol'ko 'how
many', stol'ko 'so many' have adjective forms (plural) for their oblique cases. In
addition, etot 'this' and tot 'that' have irregular forms but still have the 'paradigm
shape' of adjectives.

The main examples are: vysokij 'high, tall', nizkij Tow, short', blizkij 'near', dalekij 'far,
distant', pravyj 'right', levyj 'left' (which has some negative connotations, as in vstat'
s levoj nogi 'to get up from the left foot' i.e. 'to get out of bed on the wrong side'),
severnyj 'northern', juznyj 'southern', zapadnyj 'western, voctocnyj 'eastern'.

10.13.1. Ordinal numerals
Ordinal numerals are adjectival, most formed quite regularly from the corres-
ponding cardinal, for example,pjatyj 'fifth' (pjaf 'frve'),desjatyj 'tenth' (desjaf 'ten').
Then there arepervyj 'first', vtoroj 'second', and tretij 'third', the latter belonging to a
less regular inflectional type than that given in (6) above, but still having the same
paradigm pattern.

10.13.2. Cardinal numerals
Russian numerals are of legendary complexity; see Corbett (1978, 1983: 215-40,
1993 for key references). Russian numerals are of particular typological impor-
tance given the number of distinctions that can be motivated. Here the relevant
point is their relation to adjectives. The numeral odin 'one' has an irregular de-
clension. However, in terms of its paradigm cells (see (6)), it is just like an ad-
jective. It agrees in gender and case, and even in number (with pluralia tantum
nouns it stands in the plural). Dva 'two' shows minimal agreement in gender (dva

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