Adjective Classes - A Cross-Linguistic Typology

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270 Catriona Hyslop

However, there are differences in the meaning and function of all mood particles
used for commands, and for the telic aspect particle and realis and irrealis mood
particles when used with active verbs and adjectives.

4.2.1. State vs. process
There is an interesting extended function of the telic aspect when it is used to mark
adjectives functioning as the head of a VP. When adjectives are marked for realis or
irrealis mood this refers to a process. If telic aspect is specified for an adjective, this
signals either past time reference (in which case either a process or stative reading
is possible) or that a state is referred to. For example, when preceded by the telic
aspect particle, garea good' refers to a state, as in (13), whereas the realis form spec-
ifies the process of moving into that state, get better, improve' as in (14). If irrealis
mood is specified this means that the process will take place in the future, as in (15).
Whereas (13) refers to a present state, (16) refers to a past state.

(13) Gineu dolegi m=u garea.
thing all 3nsgSP=TEL good
'Everything is alright.'
(14) Qatu-mu mo ga-gara-si teu?
head-isgP REAL REDUP-hurt-APPL still
Hate, mo garea.
no REAL good
'Do you still have a headache? No, it has improved/it is better.'

(15) Vi=ni garea.
3sg.iRRSP=iRR good
'It will improve.'
(16) Tuei ra=u garea, ngie siseringaha, hate.
before 3nsgSP=TEL good but now NEC
'Before they were good, but now they aren't.'
To contrast these examples demonstrating aspect and mood particles marking ad-
jectives, with their function when marking active verbs, when the verb ngara 'cry'
is marked for realis mood then this could refer to an act of crying in either the
present or past, as in (17), or a habitual action, as in (18). If ngara is marked for telic
aspect, this must refer to a completed action in the past, as in (19).
(17) Mo ngara.
REAL cry
'S/he is crying/cries/cried.'
(18) Mo ngara tamwere.
REAL cry always
'S/he cries all the time.'

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