Adjective Classes - A Cross-Linguistic Typology

(nextflipdebug5) #1

272 Catriona Hyslop

4.2.2. Commands

There are three different moods in Ambae used for giving commands. The imper-
ative is marked by zero, mese marks the dehortative, and bo the apprehensive. The
functions of the imperative and dehortative are straightforward, used respectively
to order the addressee to perform, as in (22), or not perform, as in (23), an action.
The function of the apprehensive is a little more complex. The speaker uses the ap-
prehensive mood to warn the addressee that there will be some negative result if
the action of the verb occurs. In some cases the speaker is warning the address-
ee not to carry out the actual action of the verb, as in (24), while in other cases the
warning is in fact not to carry out an unspecified action, lest the undesired event
expressed in the clause occur, as in (25).

(22) Go=veve lawe=a!
2SgSP= tell DAT=3SgO
'You tell him/ her!'

(23) Go=mese kali-kdi!
'Don't lie!'

(24) Go=bo kali-kdi!
'Watch out, don't lie!' (e.g. if you do lie and I find out I will be cross.)

(25) Go=bo tai=go!
'Watch out, don't cut yourself!' (i.e. be careful using that knife or you may
cut yourself.)

Adjectives, when used predicatively, refer to something being in or entering into
a state. Logically, it is generally not possible to command someone to be or not be
in or enter into a state, considering that the subject has little control over being in
that state. In Ambae this is a further test for distinguishing adjectives from active
intransitive verbs. It is generally not possible for an adjective to be marked for im-
perative, dehortative, or apprehensive mood. While not actually being ungram-
matical, they are definitely pragmatically marked constructions, as shown by ex-
amples (26)-(28). Native speakers would find these constructions unusual, while
not necessarily completely dismissing them as ungrammatical.

(26) ?Go=qamvu!
2sgSP= tall
'Get taller!'

(27) ?Go=mese mavute!
2sgSP=DEHOR white
'Don't be white!'

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