Advances in Biolinguistics - The Human Language Faculty and Its Biological Basis

(Ron) #1

David Caramelli, Sergi Castellano, David Reich, Svante Pääbo, and Johannes
Krause. 2013. A revised timescale for human evolution based on ancient mito-
chondrial genomes. Current Biology 23:553–559.
Fujita, Koji. 2013. From g enerative grammar to evolutionary linguistics: A new
enterprise of generative grammar. In The state-of-the-art of generative linguistic
studies, ed. Masayuki Ike-uchi and Takuya Goro, 95–123. Tokyo: Hituji-shobo.
Gibbons, Ann. 2012. Turning back the clock: Slowing the pace of prehistory. Science
Gibbons, Ann. 2013. Clocking the human exodus Out of Africa. ScienceNOW:21 March.
Hauser, Marc, Noam Chomsky, and Tecumseh Fitch. 2002. The faculty of language:
What is it, who has it, and how did it evolve? Science 298:1569–1579.
Ike-uchi, Masayuki. 2012. Rec ent archaeological evidence suggests much earlier
emergence of human UG. In Proceedings of the 9th international conference on the
evolution of language, ed. Thomas Scott-Phillips, Mónica Tamariz, Erica Cartmill,
and James Hurford, 454–455. Singapore: World Scientifi c.
Ike-uchi, Masayuki. 2014. Note s on the emergence of FLN and FLB: An MP-based
approach. In The design, development and evolution of language: Exploration in
biolinguistics, ed. Koji Fujita, Naoki Fukui, Noriaki Yusa, and Masayuki Ike-uchi,
214–237. Tokyo: Kaitaku-sha.
Kaifu, Yousuke. 2013. Homo sapi ens’s expansion into Eurasia: Recent development.
In Homo sapiens and paleoanthropic man: Replacement of Neanderthals by modern
humans from the viewpoint of Paleolithic archaeology, ed. Yoshihiro Nishiaki, 3–17.
Tokyo: Rokuichi-shobo.
Kaifu, Yousuke, and Masaki Fujita. 2012. Fossil record of early modern humans in
East Asia. Quaternary International 248:2–11.
Klein, Richard. 2009a. Darwin and the recent African origin of modern humans.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106:16007–16009.
Klein, Richard. 2009b. The human ca reer: Human biological and cultural origins.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Liu, Wu, Chang-Zhu Jin, Ying-Qi Zha ng, Yan-Jun Cai, Song Xing, Xiu-Jie Wu, Hai
Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards, Wen-Shi Pan, Da-Gong Qin, Zhi-Sheng An, Erik
Trinkaus, and Xin-Zhi Wu. 2010b. Human remains from Zhirendong, South
China, and modern human emergence in East Asia. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences 107:19201–19206.
Liu, Wu, Lynne Schepartz, Song Xing, Sari Miller-Antonio, Xiujie Wu, Erik Trinkaus,
and María Martinón-Torres. 2013. Late Middle Pleistocene hominin teeth from
Panxian Dadong, South China. Journal of Human Evolution 64:337–355.
Liu, Wu, Xianzhu Wu, Shuwen Pei, Xiuj ie Wu, and Christopher Norton. 2010a.
Huanglong Cave: A Late Pleistocene human fossil site in Hubei Province, China.
Quarternary International 211:29–41.
McBrearty, Sally, and Alison Brooks. 2000. The revolution that wasn’t: A new
interpretation of the origins of modern human behavior. Journal of Human Evolu-
tion 39:453–563.
Mellars, Paul, Kevin Gori, Martin Carr, Pedro Soares, and Martin Richards. 2013.
Genetic and archaeological perspectives on the initial modern human colonization of
southern Asia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110:10699–10704.
Oppenheimer, Stephen. 2012. Out-of-Africa , the peopling of continents and islands:
Tracing uniparental gene trees across the map. Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 367:770–784.

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