Advances in Biolinguistics - The Human Language Faculty and Its Biological Basis

(Ron) #1

276 Index

protolanguage 143, 149
pulvinar 234

quirky subject 199

recipient 204–5
recursion 145, 156–7
refreshing (working memory operation)
105, 108
rule-ordering 132, 136

scenario of the emergence of Merge/
UG 192
Search 30–3, 50–1
Search0 see 0-Search
self-organization 202
self-paced reading 91–9
SEM 10, 20, 30–2, 201, 208
sign language 160
Sigurðsson, H. Á. 203
Single-Cycle Hypothesis 209n3
single origin hypothesis 189
sister 40–1
SM interface 200
Smith, N. 220
spell-out 200
structural linguistics 177
structural prominence 17–18, 26n5, 38,
40; see also Depth
structure dependence 70–1, 73–4, 220–2
subject-auxiliary inversion 70–2
subject prominent language 206; see
also topic prominent language
sustainment (working memory
operation) 108, 110–12

thalamus 231–45
thematic hierarchy 204

theme 204–5
third factor 69, 71, 129–32,
Tinbergen, N. 180–2
topic prominent language 206
Torrego, E. 199
Transfer 59–61, 189, 201
Typing Mismatch Effect 94–5

UG see Universal Grammar
Ullman, M. T. 112
Unbounded Merge see Merge
underspecifi cation 132–6
Universal Grammar 3, 69, 115, 221
updating (working memory operation)
105, 110

variation 129–32, 134–5
Vasishth, S. 89–90
verbal rehearsal 103, 105
V-fi nal order 207
virtual conceptual necessity 209n3
Visibility: Condition 199; Requirement
visuospatial sketchpad 103–4, 109

working memory: the multicomponent
model 103–6; the global workspace
model (see global workspace)
workspace 35–41; see also global
WS see workspace

Yusa, N. 222

0-Merge 31–5, 50–2
0-Search 31–41, 50–2
Zhirendong 191
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