Advances in Biolinguistics - The Human Language Faculty and Its Biological Basis

(Ron) #1

We propose that the output of this application of M 0 ◦S 0 (Σ) will be inter-
preted as “there is a φ-agreement relation between T and the subject nP” at
Next, let us see how M 0 ◦S 0 works for chain-formation, taking (6a) as an
example. Consider the derivational stage where as a result of IM, a copy of
what has been created at the edge of vP, as shown in (6b).

(6) a. What did John buy?
b. [vP what [John v [VP buy what]]]

First, Search 0 applies to the entire SO at hand (i.e., vP) and picks out the two
copies of what. Then Merge 0 applies to these copies and forms the set of them.
Thus, M 0 ◦S 0 (Σ) works as shown in (7) here.

(7) M 0 ◦S 0 (vP) = {what (at the edge of vP), what (within VP)}

The set on the right-hand side of (7) will be interpreted as a chain of what at
Anaphor binding as in (8a) also falls under M 0 ◦S 0 (Σ).

(8) a. John loves himself.
b. [vP John [VP love himself ]]

Departing from Kato et al. (2014), we assume that binding is a relation estab-
lished between two nPs, rather than agreement in some specifi c feature (see
note 3). At the derivational stage given in (8b), Search 0 fi rst applies to vP and
picks out himself and John. Then Merge 0 applies to these nPs and forms the set
of these objects, as shown in (9).

(9) M 0 ◦S 0 (vP) = {John, himself}

This output of M 0 ◦S 0 (Σ) will be interpreted as “there is a binding relation
between John and himself” at SEM (in order for John to be interpreted as a
“binder” and himself as a “bindee,” SEM also needs to access information on
the confi gurational relation between the two nPs, namely that John is structur-
ally higher than (or “c-commands”) himself).
Unlike the Search operation proposed by Kato et al. (2014), which establishes
a relation only between identical elements (i.e., identical features or feature
complexes), M 0 ◦S 0 (Σ) can form a pair of non-identical elements as well. We
claim that the formation of a pair of non-identical elements occurs in the case
of labeling.^13 More specifi cally, assuming that what has to be done in labeling
is to form a(n “is headed by”) relation between an SO and its label, we claim
that in labeling, M 0 ◦S 0 (Σ) works in such a way that Search 0 fi rst picks out the
SO Σ itself and its label and then Merge 0 forms the set of these objects, as

32 Takaomi Kato et al.

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