Advances in Biolinguistics - The Human Language Faculty and Its Biological Basis

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as “parallel Merge” or “sideward movement” in the literature, is what should
be blocked (cf. Chomsky 2015b). One way to make sense of this restriction is
to assume that WS has a property such that only root SOs and LIs in the Lexicon
count as its terms, and elements properly contained in root SOs are not terms
of WS, hence inaccessible to Search 0 (WS). Suppose further that Search 0 so con-
strained can take either the entire WS or some root SO Σ ∈ WS as its input.
Then, specifi cally in order to pick out an element properly contained in Σ, M 0 ◦S 0
has to take Σ as an input, rather than WS. Therefore, neither M 0 ◦S 0 (WS) nor
M 0 ◦S 0 (Σ) can achieve parallel Merge/sideward movement. We leave further
exploration of the issue for future research.


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44 Takaomi Kato et al.

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