Advances in Biolinguistics - The Human Language Faculty and Its Biological Basis

(Ron) #1

Bedel, George. 1972. On no. In Studies in East Asian Syntax. UCLA Papers in
Syntax 3:1–20.
Bobaljik, Jonathan. 2008. Where’s phi? Agreement as a post-syntactic operation. In
Phi theory: Phi features across interfaces and modules, ed. David Adger, Daniel
Harbour, and Susanna Béjar, 295–328. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chomsky, Noam. 1995. The minimalist program. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Chomsky, Noam. 2001. Derivation by phase. In Ken Hale: A life in language, ed.
Michael Kenstowicz, 1–52, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Chomsky, Noam. 2013. Problems of projection. Lingua 130:33–49.
Fukui, Naoki. 1986. A theory of category projection and its applications. Doctoral
dissertation, MIT. [Published as Theory of projection in syntax, in 1995. CSLI.]
Fukui, Naoki. 1988. Deriving the differences between English and Japanese: A case
study in parametric syntax. English Linguistics 5:249–270.
Fukui, Naoki. 2011. Merge and bare phrase structure. In The Oxford Handbook of
Linguistic Minimalism, ed. Cedric Boeckx, 73–95. Oxford: Oxford University
Fukui, Naoki, and Taisuke Nishigauchi. 1992. Head-movement and Case-marking
in Japanese. Journal of Japanese Linguistics 14:1–46.
Fukui, Naoki, and Mihoko Zushi. 2008. On certain differences between noun phrases
and clauses. In Essays on nominal determination, ed. Henrik Muller and Alex
Klinge, 265–286. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Hale, Kenneth, and Samuel J. Keyser. 1993. On argument structure and the lexical
expression of syntactic relations. In The view from building 20, ed. Kenneth Hale
and Samuel J. Keyser, 53–109. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Harada, Shin-Ichi. 1971. Ga-no conversion and idiolectal variations in Japanese.
Gengo Kenkyu (Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan) 60:25–38.
Harada, Shin-Ichi. 1976. Ga-No conversion revisited: A reply to Shibatani. Gengo
Kenkyu (Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan) 70:23–38.
Hiraiwa, Ken. 2001. On nominative-genitive conversion. In A Few from Building
E39: Papers in Syntax, Semantics, and their Interface, MIT Working Papers in
Linguistics 39, ed. E. Guerzoni and O. Matushansky, 66–125. Cambridge, MA:
Kato, Takaomi, Masakazu Kuno, Hiroki Narita, Mihoko Zushi, and Naoki Fukui.

  1. Generalized Search and cyclic derivation by phrase: a preliminary study.
    Sophia Linguistica 61:203–222.
    Kato, Takaomi, Hiroki Narita, Hironobu Kasai, Mihoko Zushi, and Naoki Fukui.

  2. On the primitive operations of syntax. In Advances in biolinguistics: The
    human language faculty and its biological basis, ed. Koji Fujita and Cedric Boeckx,
    29–45. Abingdon, Oxon/New York: Routledge.
    Kayne, Richard, 2009. Antisymmetry and the lexicon. In Linguistic variation year-
    book, ed. Jeroen van Craenenbroeck, 1–32. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing
    Keenan, Edward. 1999. Language invariants: The syntax and semantics of case
    marking. Linguistics in the Morning Calm 4: 21–39. The Linguistic Society of
    Keenan, Edward, and Edward Stabler. 2003. Bare grammar: Lectures on linguistic
    invariants. Stanford: CSLI.
    Kinsui, Satoshi. 1995. Iwayuru nihongo-no N’-sakujo ni tuite (On the so-called
    N’-deletion in Japanese). The Proceedings of 1994 Nanzan Symposium, 153–176.

64 Mihoko Zushi

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