Advances in Cognitive Sociolinguistics (Cognitive Linguistic Research)

(Dana P.) #1

320 Lynn Clark and Graeme Trousdale

Robinson, Christine
2005 Changes in the dialect of Livingston. Language and Literature 14
(2): 181-193.
Rothbart, Myron, and Lewis, Scott
1998 Inferring category attributes from exemplar attributes: geometric
shapes and social categories. Journal of Personality and Social Psy-
chology 55: 861-872.
Sankoff, David, Sali Tagliamonte, and Eric Smith
2005 Goldvarb X: A Variable Rule Application for Macintosh and Win-
dows. Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto.
Schmid, Hans-Jörg
2007 Does frequency in text really instantiate entrenchment in the cogni-
tive system? Paper presented at the Theme session on Corpus Driven
Cognitive Semantics at the 10th International Cognitive Linguistics
Conference, Jageiellonian University, Poland, July.
Stuart-Smith, Jane, and Fiona Tweedie
2000 Accent Change in Glaswegian: A Sociophonetic Investigation (Final
report to the Leverhulme Trust). (F/179/AX).
Stuart-Smith, Jane, and Claire Timmins
2006 The role of the lexicon in TH-fronting in Glaswegian. The Power of
Words: Essays in Lexicography, Lexicology and Semantics, Coste-
rus 163, Graham D. Caie, Carole Hough, and Irené Wotherspoon
(eds.), 171-184. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi.
Stuart-Smith, Jane, Claire Timmins, and Fiona Tweedie
2007 “Talkin’ Jockney?” Variation and change in Glaswegian accent.
Journal of Sociolinguistics 11 (2): 221-260.
Tagliamonte, Sali
2006 Analysing Sociolinguistic Variation. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-
sity Press.
Taylor, John
2002 Cognitive Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tummers, José, Kris Heylen, and Dirk Geeraerts
2005 Usage-based approaches in Cognitive Linguistics: a technical state
of the art. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 1: 225-261.
Tollfree, Laura
1999 South East London English: discrete versus continuous modelling of
consonantal reduction. In Urban Voices: Accent Studies in the Brit-
ish Isles, Paul Foulkes, and Gerard Docherty (eds.), 163-184. Lon-
don: Arnold.

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