Advances in Cognitive Sociolinguistics (Cognitive Linguistic Research)

(Dana P.) #1

As a schematic index to the volume, the following chart positions the chapters on
three thematic dimensions: the language of description, the specific linguistic vari-
able under investigation (and the overal linguistic field to which it belongs), and
the type of variation being studied. (Diatopic variation involves variation in space,
like geographically distinct dialects or national varieties. Diastratic variation in-
volves sociostylistisc factors. Diachronic variation involves variation in time. The
classification is not meant as categorial; it only specifies the dominant perspective
of the chapters.)

diatopic diastratic diachronic


and Speelman Dutch the lexical field of the human body x^

Soares da Silva Portuguese the lexical fields of football
and clothing

x x

Robinson English the lexical item awesome x

Peirsman et al. Dutch the lexical field of religion x


Szmrecsanyi English the genitive construction x x

De Vogelaer Dutch nominal gender x

Colleman Dutch the ditransitive construction x


Kristiansen Spanish accent recognition x x

Berthele German accent evaluation x

Clark and

English th-fronting x
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