Advances in Cognitive Sociolinguistics (Cognitive Linguistic Research)

(Dana P.) #1

68 Augusto Soares da Silva

tance between the two varieties in the 1950s. As Figure 1 shows, the un-
iformity between EP and BP in the 1950s is only 43.78% (U’ measure). As
a matter of fact, if we do not separate the adapted and non-adapted variants
of a foreign borrowing in the calculation, that is, if we take, as an example,
penalty and penalty as one term, and goal and gol(o) as another term, U’
increases by nearly 5% in 1950 (from 43.78% to 48.12%) and, consequent-
ly, comes closer to the values of U’ in 1970 (55.17%) and 2000 (56.76%).
Furthermore, the adaptation of English borrowings and their substitution by
vernacular terms results in a decrease in formal onomasiological variation.
This means that the global uniformity between the two varieties will in-
crease as the football loans become adapted to the language or are replaced
by vernacular terms.

Table 10. Loanwords in the corpus of football terms

A’Engl (P50) 7,1% 18,0% A’Engl (B50)
A’Engl (P70) 9,8% 17,1% A’Engl (B70)
A’Engl (P00) 10,2% 16,2% A’Engl (B00)
A’loan (P50) 13,9% 23,5% A’loan (B50)
A’loan (P70) 17,9% 22,8% A’loan (B70)
A’loan (P00) 18,5% 23,3% A’loan (B00)

Table 11. Loanwords in the corpus of clothing terms

A’Fr (P50) 17,6% 18,5% A’Fr (B50)
A’Fr (P70) 15,9% 18,1% A’Fr (B70)
A’Fr (P00) 10,2% 7,9% A’Fr (B00)
A’Engl (P50) 3,3% 4,2% A’Engl (B50)
A’Engl (P70) 5,8% 7,6% A’Engl (B70)
A’Engl (P00) 16,9% 17,0% A’Engl (B00)
A’loan (P50) 22,4% 23,8% A’loan (B50)
A’loan (P70) 22,1% 26,7% A’loan (B70)
A’loan (P00) 28,2% 24,9% A’loan (B00)

This is perhaps the main factor influencing the global convergence between
the two varieties, and more specifically, the approaching of the Brazilian
variety to the European variety from the 1950s to the 1970s. In fact, in the

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