Advances in Cognitive Sociolinguistics (Cognitive Linguistic Research)

(Dana P.) #1

74 Augusto Soares da Silva

statistical results (or very close to significance) and about 99% of the evo-
lution of U’ can be described through the A’ENDO formula. Note that this
correlation is more significant in BP than in EP. This strong correlation
between endogenousness and uniformity derives from the actual mathemat-
ical definition of uniformity itself. The ENGL (English terms) and LOAN (all
loanwords) parameters are also significant in the football vocabulary for the
European variety. The other correlations do not pass the p value test. Nev-
ertheless, the results obtained from linear regression have to be viewed
carefully, given the rather low number of factors studied (5 parameters and
3 time periods only).

Table 15. Correlation between uniformity and item-related features

Football - Portugal p r^2 Clothing - Portugal p r^2

U’ = -69,43 + 27,33 A’EXO 0,6389 28,87 U’ = 139,7 - 19,03 A’EXO 0,2462 85,78

U’ = 110,6 - 1,406 A’ENDO 0,0734 98,68 U’ = 105,142 - 1,292 A’ENDO 0,0698 98,8

U’ = 13,98 + 4,199 A’INGL 0,004 100 U’ = 78,991 - 1,352 A’INGL 0,2916 80,45

U’ = 14,36 + 4,94

0,1488 94,63 U’ = 22,57 + 3,069 A’FRAN 0,2613 84,08

U’ = 4,433 + 2,831 A’ESTR 0,0049 99,99 U’ = 165,8 - 4,064 A’ESTR 0,4298 60,94

Football - Brazil p r^2 Clothing - Brazil p r^2

U’ = 74,97 - 3,292 A’EXO 0,1254 96,17 U’ = 93,84 -7,141 A’EXO 0,2355 86,93

U’ = 91,41 - 0,9214 A’ENDO 0,0555 99,24 U’ = 92,86 -0,8893 A’ENDO 0,0171 99,93

U’ = 198,6 - 8,581 A’INGL 0,2617 84,03 U’ = 84,23 - 1,766 A’INGL 0,237 86,77

U’ = 41,07 + 0,9099

0,1079 97,15 U’ = 34,68 + 2,197 A’FRAN 0,3808 68,28

U’ = 765,8 - 30,77 A’ESTR 0,5594 40,72 U’ = 462 -15,74 A’ESTR 0,6861 22,4

4.5. Concept-related features

So far we have analyzed various features associated to alternative terms
within the onomasiological profiles of various concepts. We will now eva-
luate the impact of some concept-derived features on the global evolution
trend. Three concept-related features will be looked at: semantic field, fre-
quency and recent origin.

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