The Economist UK - 29.02.2020

(Martin Jones) #1

14 The EconomistFebruary 29th 2020

Letters are welcome and should be
addressed to the Editor at
The Economist, The Adelphi Building,
1-11 John Adam Street, LondonWC 2 N 6 HT
Email: [email protected]
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Purpose-driven business
Last year you asked, “What are
companies for?” (August 24th
2019) and concluded that they
should stick to business-as-
usual in the form of share-
holder primacy. This month
you repeated this message,
telling chief executives to
“forget trying to run the world”
and focus on serving the long-
term interests of their business
owners (“Meet the new boss”,
February 8th). Your consisten-
cy is laudable. However, this
position ignores the adverse
impact of market failures and
the shareholder-first model
that has contributed so much
to our social and environ-
mental crises, not least the
existential threat of climate
Fortunately a growing
number of companies out
there recognise that this
threatens the viability and
legitimacy of business. They
know that their purpose needs
to include creating the long-
term social and environmental
capital that underpins their
shareholder returns, and that
this is in their own immediate
interests in attracting and
motivating talent, driving
innovation, building trust and
increasing performance.
This is a crucial year in
which world leaders will ex-
plore a new deal for nature at
the Convention on Biodiversity
in China, and seek agreement
on reaching net zero carbon
emissions by 2050. Unless
business plays a key role in
tackling the world’s greatest
challenges, it will certainly
discover the true meaning of
“disruption” on a global scale.
dame polly courtice
Institute for Sustainability
University of Cambridge

You suggest that today’s bosses
must “be physically fit to with-
stand the brutal workload”
(“Take me to a leader”, February
8th). This is a modern preju-
dice. Is there any evidence that
fitter bosses are higher per-
forming? Sergio Marchionne
and Herb Kelleher were chain-
smokers who transformed

their industries (cars and
airlines). Bill Gates possibly
skips cross-fit. And Warren
Buffett proudly claims to eat
“like a six-year-old”. Being fit is
good in itself, but there is no
concrete conclusion thatceos
absolutely need to be highly
athletic. Good looks are surely
a powerful halo effect, but let’s
not bar bread-eaters from the
corporate suite just yet.
conal campbell
Celbridge, Ireland

Gender preferences
The Free exchange on social
norms was muddled (February
8th). Apparently gender earn-
ings disparities persist but
(and this seems to disturb you)
they may partly reflect differ-
ent preferences by men and
women. But look, the column
says, preferences too can be
changed; they are “socially
Why should policymakers,
never mind economists, want
to change these preferences?
What, exactly, is wrong with
women tending to prefer chil-
dren and home and men pre-
ferring work and career? Econ-
omists laud division of labour
in other businesses, why not in
the family also? Just what
principle lies behind the idea
that men and women should
have identical preferences?
professor john staddon
Department of Psychology and
Duke University
Durham, North Carolina

Free speech in Qatar
Your article on Qatar did not
reflect the reality of freedom of
expression in the country and a
law that has been amended to
prevent the spread of false and
malicious information
(“Tamim the gloriously toler-
ant”, February 15th). Similar
legislation exists in many
democratic countries. In
France a law was introduced in
2018 to tackle the manipulation
of information and its deliber-
ate dissemination. As the
target of sustained state-spon-
sored disinformation cam-
paigns, “deep fakes” and cyber-
attacks, Qatar understands the

dangers of information
manipulation better than
anyone. In line with theun’s
covenant on civil and political
rights, to which Qatar is fully
committed, this amendment
was passed as a protection
against major, co-ordinated
hacking and disinformation
operations trying to fracture
the region. It is not open to
abuse and will not limit ex-
pression, speech or reporting
in or about Qatar.
No country has done more
than Qatar to improve media
freedom in the region. The
debate on this amendment
from within Qatar itself, in-
cluding from local media and
social-media users, demon-
strates that individuals and
platforms can criticise a law
without consequence.
thamer al thani
Deputy director
Government Communications
Doha, Qatar

Remembering a war atrocity
There are a lot of 75th com-
memoration events marking
the second world war. One
incident less famous than
Dresden (“The inferno”, Febru-
ary 8th) was commemorated in
the Dutch village of Putten last
year. In early October 1944, 600
men were sent to German work
camps in retaliation for the
killing of a German officer by
the resistance. Few returned. I
was only five at the time but I
still have vivid memories of the
episode. Lots of similar stories
can be told about other villages
in occupied Europe that have
gone mostly unreported. A
recent novel, “The Weeping
Woman of Putten” by Alyce
Bailey, tells the tale.
walter schuit
Torrejón de Ardoz, Spain

The EU puts Europeans first
The Economistrepeats a myth
that Brexit was about England
turning in on itself, as if sup-
porting membership of the eu
is a sign of internationalism
(Bagehot, February 1st). The
opposite is true. The eucreated
a system that favours other
Europeans over everyone else.

This is most obviously mani-
fest in freedom of movement,
which allows any eucitizen to
move to any eucountry, while
at the same time erecting
barriers against immigration
from outside the eu. Hard-core
Remainers, convinced of their
own enlightened liberalism,
refuse to acknowledge this
gross injustice. Oddly enough,
supposedly xenophobic and
uneducated Brexiteers have no
difficulty understanding the
unfairness and outdated Euro-
centric nature of eupolicies.
nicolas groffman
Reading, Berkshire

Bagehot described Mark Fran-
cois as the “Captain Mainwar-
ing of the European Research
Group of mps”. Mr Francois is
more like Private Walker in
“Dad’s Army”, the black-marke-
teer in Mainwaring’s platoon.
The propaganda espoused by
Mr Francois and his fellow
Brexiteers included assurances
that leaving “won’t cost you
much”, Walker’s favourite line
when plying his trade.
johan enegren

The picture accompanying the
news on Brexit in The world
this week (February 8th)
showed a number of Brexit
supporters waving Union Flags
that were upside down. As this
is a recognised way of signal-
ling distress, are they perhaps
reflecting the belief of many in
the country that trouble lies
charles mortelman

Table for one
Regarding Bartleby’s “The
number of the best” (January
25th) I have always understood
that the ideal size of a commit-
tee is an odd number less than
peter wilson
Kenilworth, Warwickshire
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